DW's Blog
Karma just IS
by DW Green — June 29, 2016

Karma means action
Adam mentions Karma in his blog today. I’ve heard of Karma, but really didn’t know what it meant. Aside from finding a great parking space at the mall, then saying, “Wow! Good parking Karma!” So I decided to investigate. Turns out Karma just IS.
Karma means action. Physics shows that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. Karma is energy, which in itself is neither good nor bad; these are just the labels people choose to attach to it. The energy created by an action has to be returned: “As yea sow so shall yea reap.” It cannot be avoided. Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you.
Karma represents our choices … the ones we celebrate … the ones we regret … the conditional and unconditional ones … the knee-jerk ones and the purposeful ones … the decisions that keep us up at night and those that allow us to rest our head on the pillow. Karma can be translated as action and is the culmination of all the actions we have taken through out our lives. In the teachings of Vedanta, this includes the actions we’ve taken in past lives as well. Whether you believe in re-incarnation or not, doesn’t make karma real or not real – karma just is.
And since we are living in this life right now, focusing on karma for a week will allow us to see all the actions we are taking right now – all the choices we make in each moment. Simply by placing our witnessing awareness on every interaction, email, text, phone call, and conversation … even the behaviors we exhibit to ourselves when we are alone allows us to view the consequences of our actions.
It is in the reflecting on the many plates we are spinning … the many balls we are juggling … on the decisions we made yesterday, this morning, this afternoon, and this evening … the call we chose not to make … the words we let slip out of our mouths … the chore we did or didn’t do … the food, location, and company we chose for each meal … the tone of our voice as we reacted to hearing unexpected information … the article we read … the video we watched … even the clothes we decided to wear today … and by observing who we show up as in each moment, that we can make more conscious choices.
Karma is all about witnessing our decisions, observing our choices, and watching what we think, say, and do. When we witness our choices and spend time in the unconditioned aspect of our Being, we make more conscious choices going forward.
As difficult as it is, try to be kind to everyone you meet and ask yourself each morning: how can I be of service today.
Filed Under: DW's Blog