DW's Blog
Enforcement Choice
by DW Green — August 10, 2016

Non-enforcement isn’t the answer.
Adam’s blog topic today is excellent. The real challenge here is with enforcement.
We all live within guidelines that influence, direct or affect our behavior. Whether they are laws, rules, regulations, policies or general decorum. We may not personally agree with a particular rule or law or it may seem to be unfair or unjust based on personal experience or point of view. However, it seems to me, it is how consistently the rule or law is enforced that creates difficulty and problems. Immigration is an excellent example, however complex and complicated the issue is, the government’s enforcement or lack thereof only adds to the national divisiveness on the subject. Often times laws and rules need to be revised to meet our changing society. However, non-enforcement isn’t the answer.
Businesses’ too, have rules and policies that act as guiding principles or requirements for employment. Employees have a choice to either work within a company’s stated policies or to work somewhere else. Problems and resentments ALWAYS arise when management fails to enforce rules and policies consistently and uniformly.
Life is a constant state of choice making!
Filed Under: DW's Blog