DW's Blog
by DW Green — October 31, 2018
I’m perfectly imperfect! We’re all perfectly imperfect! Not being a perfectionist is something I like about myself.
You may be thinking – how in the world is that a quality you admire? Well, it’s simple, I don’t think you have to be perfect to still be pretty darn good at whatever you put your mind to.

May those who work for you know you see and respect them
There are great benefits to being a perfectionist. It pushes you to be better and do better than you would otherwise. You pay more attention to detail, have a more organized lifestyle and your boss probably thinks you’re phenomenal. These are all wonderful and we should all strive to do better.
The flip side (because there’s always a flip side): Perfectionism can often become a painful awareness of your imperfectness. It’s unrealistic to believe you will not fail at something, so why set yourself up for possible depression or anxiety when the inevitable eventually happens?
Is your perfectionism holding you back from taking risks, voicing your opinion, and living your truth? Is your fear of being wrong standing in the way of your opportunity to rise? Making mistakes is a good thing! Repeating the same mistake, not so good!
Read More – It’s so easy. Not.
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