DW's Blog
by DW Green — March 15, 2023

Sports mirrors everyday life.
I was cleaning my desk, which I don’t do very often. I found some papers that were several years old! One paper was from WinningGolfMind.com, the title was Mastery and Ego Motivational Orientations. Once again sports mirrors everyday life.
Motivational Orientation
- Rewards for playing i.e. attention, awards, recognition from others.
- Judge yourself against others.
- Making money, proving to others.
- Obstacles are viewed as threats to be avoided (not challenges to overcome).
- Scoring well is better than playing well.
- Competition is a stage to compare with others.
- Poor shots lead to anger and frustration.
- Play against the leaderboard.
- Must be successful to boost self-esteem.
- How is he more successful than me?
- Awards are secondary to learning and improvement.
- Standards are self-imposed and self-judged.
- Motivation to improvement is an internal drive, not external awards.
- Obstacles are viewed as challenges to overcome (not threats to be avoided).
- Focus is on playing the course.
- Competition is a test of one’s skills.
- Poor shots lead to motivation to improve.
- Play against yourself.
- Self-esteem comes from working hard in practice the right things.
- Be the best I can be.
Business mastery is similar to golf mastery.
Read More – The Word Habit
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