Obstacles are viewed as threats to be avoided (not ...read moreby DW Green — September 19, 2018 Get ‘em in and keep ‘em coming back! Many food retailers are running digital “flash” sales. A digital “flash” sale is a single item featured at or below cost for 24 hours. The offer is distributed through an email blast to customers who have signed up to receive special offers from your store. The cost of email marketing is minimal, and the markdown is limited to your subscriber list and the length of the sale (24 hours).Fresh produce, meat, seafood and deli items (salad bar, chicken bucket, deli salads and sandwiches) are excellent one-day sale items. Wine or high velocity grocery items like bottled water or ice cream work well too. Consider adding a flash sale once or twice a month to your promotional plan. These sales work great for generating traffic. Get ‘em in and keep ‘em coming back! ... read moreby DW Green — September 12, 2018 “When you are through changing, you are through.” Everything, everywhere is in a constant flux of change. I like this quote from Bruce Barton, author, advertising executive and politician, “When you are through changing, you are through.”Way back in 1970, I read Future Shock, a great book by Alvin Toffler. Future Shock was about change, and the affect that the accelerated rate of technological and social change had on society. From a historic perspective the speed of change from the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century to the “super-industrial society” of the 1970’s was mind-boggling and it has only intensified thousands-fold since then.The supermarket business too has gone through radical changes and its rapid transformation continues. Remember only you can control your reaction to changes in your business. Everyone filters information through his or her personal background, wants, needs, fears, hopes, prejudices and beliefs. The result is often the development of urban “myths” about change. Let’s explore some of those myths—and the reality of business.Myth: This will go away. Reality: Change ... read moreby DW Green — September 5, 2018 “You get back what you put out into the world.” I think we all have a personal code of conduct, of ethics, of values that provide guidance in our daily behavior. Sometimes, for whatever reason, that code is missing or asleep or ignored. Problems arise when we knowingly make choices that conflict with our values. I’m committed to love, compassion, forgiveness, humility and acceptance. And yet, my choices at times, conflict with those values. It’s disheartening when that happens. It’s important for me to be mindful and aware of my values BEFORE I act so that my actions are based on those values. Easier said than done.In my wacko way of thinking this quote ties in nicely. “You get back what you put out into the world. Thus, what you’ve attracted to you is what you have to give away to others. Low energy attracts low energy. Some of the low energy thoughts are anger, hate, shame, guilt, and fear. Not only do they weaken you, but they attract more of the same! By changing your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy, you’ll attract more of the same, and you’ll have those higher energies to give away. These higher and faster frequencies that empower you will automatically nullify an... read moreby DW Green — August 29, 2018 Rest in Peace John McCain. I like Senator John McCain. I haven’t always agreed with his policy positions, but I have great respect and admiration for him. He has led a meaningful life. To say he was a good and honorable man would be an understatement.Two things that Senator McCain would often say resonate deeply with me. He was always grateful for his experiences, for his relationships and his opportunities. I think we’re all grateful for things, but to be mindful of our blessings and gifts on a daily basis is very rare. Secondly, Senator McCain was always mindful of his being of service to something larger than himself. We too, as business owners and leaders, are part of something bigger than ourselves. Supporting our employees and their families, our customers, our vendors, our communities and the environment. We get back what we give. And being of service to others is what brings joy and meaning to our life. I believe Senator McCain was honest and authentic with his declarations of gratitude and his service to others, to country for a greater good. Rest in Peace John McCain.Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. – James AllenThe important work of moving the wo... read moreby DW Green — August 22, 2018 Find time each day to connect with nature. I spend thirty minutes every morning sitting on my back porch. From 5:30 to 6:00 am. Twenty minutes in meditation and ten minutes looking at the sky, clouds, trees, flowers and plants in my backyard. It’s quiet and peaceful, and fresh. I repeat the same practice in the evening for an hour. I look at the star filled sky, the moon and the same trees, flowers and plants. They look different at night. They seem more relaxed and peaceful, or maybe it’s me that is more relaxed and peaceful. The dark of night is settling and comfortable.Can you remember a time when you just let yourself unplug and enjoy time in nature? Do you remember how it allowed you to settle into a place of total contentment and peace? Time in nature—whether it’s sitting out on your porch like I do, watching a sunset, or taking a stroll through a park—can do wonders for your energy and mindset. Find time each day to connect with nature in whatever way you’re able, and begin to notice the calming effects it has on you throughout the rest of your day.Remember that when we find ourselves spinning out in li... read moreby DW Green — August 15, 2018 Mental attachments are cataracts of the mind. I had cataract surgery on my left eye last week. A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens which lies behind the iris and the pupil and causes blurred vision. An unexpected and amazing benefit of surgery was my ability to “see” color in all its natural and vibrant glory. WOW! Even the color of pavement, gravel and dirt were incredibly beautiful!! I’m excited to have the surgery on my right eye soon. I can only imagine the intensity of color I will see.I wonder if clouded vision is similar to clouded thinking. Weeks ago, I wrote about the wisdom of having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. Mental attachments are cataracts of the mind. They can distort, blur and obstruct clear, unimpeded thinking. A mind that is open to everything is like an unlimited spectrum of color. A spaciousness that holds all things as possible. If you think it, you can do it. And like vivid color, that’s beautiful! ... read moreby DW Green — August 7, 2018 Its effect is as far-reaching as it is subtle. Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all.It produces no backlash, has no downside, and never leads to despair. It increases one’s own power without exacting any toll. But to reach maximum power, such kindness can permit no exceptions, nor can it be practiced with the expectations of some selfish reward. And its effect is as far-reaching as it is subtle.Simple kindness seems simple enough. But it’s not. We all get caught up in our self-importance, our desire or need to be right, or our lack of awareness. All these factors can impede the practice of simple kindness. I guess that’s why it’s called a practice. Constant practice enhances awareness of our actions and behavior. With constant practice we become what we practice.... read moreby DW Green — August 1, 2018 Behind fixed ideas are hiding places… Pairs of opposites such as good and evil, or life and death, are examples of mental dust catchers.Any fixed idea that has not been moved around for a long time creates a place where illusion can breed. A fixed idea is like a stove, or a refrigerator, or a bookcase. Underneath and behind fixed ideas are hiding places that can collect all sorts of mental rubbish, or lint!It’s good to look at and question your personal truths, beliefs and values. These are often learned when we are young. I read that the ego/mind presumes and is convinced that its perceptions and interpretations of life experiences are the “real” thing and therefor “true.” It also believes by projection that other people see, think, and feel the same way; and if they do not, they are mistaken and therefore wrong. This explains why there is so much discourse in our world right now. ... read more