
DW's Blog

Faith And Well-Being

by DW Green — May 14, 2015

Faith is our sixth core value. Faith can be a difficult word to explain and define. Heck, even has seven definitions. All of which express a piece of the essence of faith.
  1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: 
    faith in another’s ability.
  2. belief that is not based on proof: 
    he had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
  3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: 
    the firm faith of the Pilgrims.
  4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: 
    to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.
  5. a system of religious belief: 
    the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.
  6. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.:
    failure to appear would be breaking faith.
  7. the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one’s promise, oath, allegiance, etc.:
    he was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.
To me, faith means believing in a Power greater than oneself. Whether it’s the combined wisdom and talent of your employees or the belief in the Divinity, the Creator of all things. Even personal intuition, or gut feeling arises from a power greater t...
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Handsome Sales

by DW Green — May 5, 2015

Yep Adam, retail is all about presentation and merchandising! Especially food retailing. People eat with their eyes. They purchase with their eyes. Of all the varied supermarket activities, the single most important, the most valued, the skill set to “own”, the key to competitive advantage is presentation/merchandising. Even the value of “street appeal” rests in the appearance of the storefront from a distance.Presentation and merchandising set the tone for the entire shopping experience. Its what creates the “likeability,” “comfortability” and “authenticity” of the retail brand. Its what creates sales and additional sales and additional sales. Of course, readable, well-designed, well-placed signs and story telling add to the magic and message of BUY ME!!If you could do just one thing for the balance of the year, work on improving your product presentation and merchandising skills. If you do, you will experience a handsome increase in sales!

Read more about merchandising and Wegmans

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by DW Green — April 22, 2015

Perfect. Values. Wholeheartedness. Humility.Adam speaks about perfection in this week’s blog. In the spiritual realm of life, it is said that all life, in all its expressions is perfect. But spiritual is another conversation for another day and another blog, though spirit is a topic worth exploring. To provide context for the word perfection let’s consider the notion of values.Values are a set of guiding principles that unite people as they work toward achieving a common goal, their purpose. In their strongest form—when individual employee and organizational values are in sync—they generate tremendous energy. Rather than just complying, employees become more committed, enthusiastic and driven, and they have a reason for caring about their work. They enjoy a sense of collaboration, group spirit and pride that make the company more fully alive. Great service companies have a soul that underlies their strategies and day-to-day operations. Although strategies and tactics may change, the company’s value system, or soul, remains the same. It is this continuity of values that will sustain business success, even in the most volatile times. The DW Green management team spent countless hours over the course of a year working on our company values. We amassed an incredible list. And while we didn’t discard many, we identified and selected seven core values. The Number 7 represents or symbolizes perfection and completion. The number seven is a very powerful and...
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Magic of Golf

by DW Green — April 15, 2015

People Clipart Imagesgolfer-image-creditWhat do golf and magic have in common? Well, depending on the veracity and skill level of your playing partners they have a lot in common. For example, your buddy’s tee shot clearly lands in the middle of a water hazard then magically ricochets back into the fairway. Wow! Many a lost golf ball have magically appeared in their original condition after found.So in the spirit of golf season and the magical record-breaking performance of Jordon Spieth in last weeks Master Golf Tournament, lets take a look at the 10 best caddy comments to his employer golfer. Sadly, many of these comments apply to me!

Golfer: “Think I’m going to drown myself in the lake.” 
Caddy: “Think you can keep your head down that long?”

Golfer: “I’d move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course.” 
Caddy: “Try heaven, you’ve already moved most of the earth.”

Golfer: “Do you think my game is improving?” ...

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More Cool!

by DW Green — April 9, 2015

So Adam is talking about cool. Cool, as in the context of slang, as an interjection to express acceptance, approval or admiration. And what’s more cool neat, nifty, boss, keen, groovy than a brand mark or Icon. Brand marks are simple, clean, and an easy to remember graphic representation of a company’s Brand name. Brand marks are like punctuation symbols:
. stop 
, pause 
; pause longer 
! exclamation mark 
? question mark
Brand marks and icons can represent a deeper meaning of a company’s purpose or an abstract expression like the Nike swoosh. We have a Northwest client whose brand mark is a sailboat. Who would have thought of a sailboat icon for a food store? The sailboat is very meaningful to their company culture. It’s meaningful to me too. I’m proud to wear their caps and jackets that showcase their company icon.The DW Green icon reflects our design mantra “Less is greater than more.”So if you’re considering a new or updated design for your company’s brand mark, give us a call.dwgCMlogosH...
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Not The Same Ole Grind

by webmaster — March 10, 2015

DWPortrait2Differentiation is the essence of competition. I love the word differentiation. It’s a difficult word for me to spell and pronounce—the word inaudibly tumbles out of my mouth, often landing on deaf ears! But aside from poor enunciation skills and misunderstanding, differentiation is a very powerful business tool.Everything can be and is differentiable, even such “commodities” as steel, cement, money, chemicals and well, ground beef. Success goes to those who differentiate themselves in ways that attract differentiably superior numbers of customers to themselves.Though clothes may not make the man, they help make the sale. And if they do, the customer is buying something beyond the generic product that the salesman offers. That is what is meant by “differentiation.”While positioning is about performing different activities from rivals or performing similar activities in different ways, differentiation then, arises from both the choice of activities and how they are performed. See “Activity Breeds Success.”Adam’s Setting Your Ground Rules blog is an excellent example of differentiating both your store and your ground beef program. Your gro...
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Out Locally-ing the Real Locals!

by DW Green — March 4, 2015

FeaturedWork-LoLosIt’s well documented that consumers prefer shopping a locally owned retail store to a national or regional chain store. But being locally owned, in and of itself, is not reason enough to maintain a long-term business relationship with consumers. A local retailer needs to minimally match the national or regional retailer in terms of its product offering, quality, customer service, store cleanliness and other operational considerations like product presentation, signage, stock conditions and so forth. From my perspective, the local company should strive to exceed operational standards of its larger size retail brethren.Aside from the many “financial benefits” of supporting a local business, as described in Adam Zack’s “In Support of REAL Local” blog, the underlying benefit or “reason to believe” in local businesses is the deeper emotional connection that consumers hold for their local community. This emotionality is enhanced by the authenticity of the local retailer. Authenticity is expressed through merchandising and messagi...
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Addition By Subtraction

by DW Green — February 25, 2015

dwportraitIn the spirit of high school mathematics and National Pi day lets look at another mathematical concept, the “addition by subtraction” theory! Can a successful retail brand appeal to everybody? Nope. No one brand can possibly have a universal appeal. Since you can’t be everything to all people successfully, you must purposefully limit what you offer and to whom. When you are identifying your strategic initiatives, choices about what not to do (subtraction) are just as important as choices about what to do (addition). Your success depends on the trade-offs you are willing to make. Simply put, a trade-off means that more of one thing necessitates less of another. A supermarket can choose to offer more service departments, adding labor costs and higher retails, or it can choose not to, offering less service and lower retails, but it cannot do both without bearing major inefficiencies.In a recent conversation with a high profile and successful Northwest retailer, I learned about their thoughtful and discriminating approach to creating their retail brand product assortment. The retailer understood that to be brand successful they needed to limit their retail brand prod...
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Sign of the Times

by DW Green — February 18, 2015

GoodSignsThe ole maxim “Signs Sell” is true! But then I guess that’s what a maxim is, an expression of a general truth or principle. In truth, however, the maxim should read “A well-designed sign with thoughtful and intentional copy sell a lot!” Aside from the obvious sign ingredients like product description, price point, accurate spelling, product benefits and so worth, the sign design itself should reflect the purpose, meaning and personality of the store brand itself. Otherwise you are missing a tremendous opportunity to reinforce the unique benefit of your store to your customers. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a well-designed sign is worth a thousand sales....
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Stick to the business you know and outsource the rest!

by DW Green — February 10, 2015

DWPortrait2In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters’ famous book first published in 1982, describes eight basic principles of management that made forty-three of America’s best-run companies successful. One of the principles was “Stick to the netting.” Stay with the business you know and outsource the rest! Retail grocery is about selling and merchandising. Not advertising and marketing design.On the surface in-house ad departments can seem more efficient and cost effective. However, if you look deeper into the actual cost of maintaining a highly professional advertising design team those cost can be much more than what you thought. Often times in-house ad departments become a source of overhead that limit or reduce resources needed to improve retail activities that directly improve sales and customer experience. Not to mention the negative impact poorly designed materials can have on your company’s brand.The added cost of office space, computer hardware and software and their ongoing maintenance, as well as photo libraries, insurance, and labor benefit packages can make the benefits of an in-house department much less attractive. Even the rate of pay necessary to a...
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