
Company News

Connecting With Customers Throughout 2010

by webmaster — November 9, 2009

As you planned your 2010 weekly ad schedules, you probably crossed out at least 20% of the weeks during the year because they were obviously connected with a holiday. For Valentines Day, you normally promote the event the week before and the week of. Likewise with Memorial Day, Independence Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. you have a couple of weeks to promote each event.

click to view a sample magazine

Now, take a look at this year’s Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday season. Most retailers (food and non-food) officially kick off the selling season at least 45 to 60 days prior to the holidays. Why would you want to wait until the week before Thanksgiving to promote the event?

So, how can you promote all the holiday events in 2010 well in advance of the actual holiday weeks, without looking foolish in your weekly insert ads? How can you get consumers excited about shopping in your stores three to five weeks before each holiday? How can you deliver holiday season recipes, meal planning ideas and helpful tips on planning holiday related events?

And, how can you differentiate your store so that your 2010 holiday events stand out from your competitors?

One solution is to provide your shoppers with a store branded, store customized 16 page publication that they can receive (free of charge) in your stores weeks—even months—before the approaching holiday. When properly designed and distributed, with interesting articles and recipes, these custom publications are kept in households for weeks. And, if you elect to provide “continuity coupons” on the back cover (e.g. $10 off a $50 order during the month of February), you can keep customers coming back.

Over the years, we’ve had retailers use these store branded publications with much success, but few retailers use the publication as a foundation for their promotions. They make the publications available for some quarters and skip other quarters. It’s difficult to build on success when there is no ongoing continuation of any program.

How will a store customized, 16 page publication help connect you with your customers?

click to view a sample magazine

Building a Brand They Can Trust.

We believe building relationships is the key to gaining long-term, loyal customers—and all relationships are built on trust.

Build trust with your own magazine. Multiple non-biased studies (Media Choices, Roper Public Affairs) have shown that in comparison to other advertising mediums including television, radio and the internet, readers trust magazines the most.

Through your own magazine, you are able to position your store as a trusted community resource for helpful information and creative ideas—as well as a place to find great prices and quality foods.

An Enjoyable Way to Engage Your Customer.

Northwestern University’s Media Management Center researched consumer responses to magazines and found that magazines hold a special place in many people’s lives. Some of the actual responses include:

  • “It’s a real treat for me.”
  • “I feel less stressed after reading it.”
  • “It’s important to remember later what I have read.”
  • “It’s my personal time-out.”

With your own magazine, you have an opportunity to tie these positive emotions to your brand name. It’s a value-added service your customers will truly enjoy.

They enjoy the ads too. Studies also discovered that out of other mediums, magazine advertising added the most enjoyment. While TV and radio advertisements are often thought of as more of an interruption, many people actually enjoy reading the ads in magazines.

A Message That Lasts.

Unlike a newspaper that is usually thrown out by the end of the week, or a 30-second TV or radio spot that is over in a flash, magazines have longevity. Magazines are shared and saved more than any other medium. A magazine is usually passed on to between two and ten other readers before it’s retired to the recycle bin.

Also, as a quarterly publication, your in-store magazine has an opportunity to reach customers throughout the entire season, without the high costs of printing a monthly or weekly publication. Our story ideas and recipes are carefully chosen to ensure that readers will always find something timely and useful no matter when they pick up the magazine.

A Publishing Team That Understands Your Needs.

DW Green Co. has been working with independent grocery retailers for over 20 years and is one of the most recognized leaders in supermarket marketing, advertising and branding. In the last ten years, DW Green Co. has received more awards than any other grocery retail advertising firm.

From executives experienced on all levels of wholesale and retail supermarket advertising, to award-winning graphic designers, our team offers the perfect blend of talent and expertise. Let us help you connect with your customers and create relationships that will lead not only to higher profits, but lifetime customers.

Fast Fact.

Once a reader is engaged with a publication’s content, there is no measurable difference between paid and non-paid publications in the actions that readers report taking as a direct result of the articles they read or the ads they remember seeing.

From The New Rules of Selling—Latest Research on the Value of Readership

Magazine Publishers of America

click to view a sample magazine

So, in 2010 we have designed an annual program that provides deep discounts for retailers who promote four consecutive quarterly editions. Since the 4th quarter is so critically important to all retailers, we’re providing 25% additional copies—at no additional charge—to annual subscribing retailers.

We are still offering our traditional quarterly editions at no increased costs for 2010, but to encourage an ongoing continuity, we’re offering a new annual program with additional free copies in the 4th quarter of 2010.

DW Green Company, 2010 Customized Store Magazine Programs

Annual Program:

Customized quarterly publications include complete customization on the front and back covers. All interior articles and recipes may be customized at significantly discounted prices.

25,000 to 100,000 copies per quarterly edition: .31 per copy100,000 or more copies per quarterly edition: .294 per copy

Annual Customer Discount:
On your Winter 2010 edition (November, December, January edition) you will receive up to an additional 25% of your copies at no additional cost.

Editions included with the annual program:
Spring: Feb, March, April
Summer: May, June, July
Fall: August, Sept, October
Winter: November, December, January

Quarterly Program:

Customized quarterly magazines include complete customization on the front and back covers. All interior articles and recipes may be customized at significantly discounted prices.

25,000 to 100,000 copies per quarterly edition: .31 per copy
100,000 or more copies per quarterly edition: .294 per copy

Editions available for the quarterly program:
Spring: Feb, March, April
Summer: May, June, July
Fall: August, Sept, October
Winter: November, December, January

If you would like us to mail sample copies of past editions, please click here.
Interested in the annual program? Click here.
If you’re interested in the quarterly program, click here.
Have questions about customized in-store magazine programs? Click here.

Good luck with your 2010 sales and promotional planning!

Filed Under: Company News

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