DW's Blog
Idle Talk or Rumor
by DW Green — April 13, 2016

He’s a real slob
I didn’t think I ever gossiped. Yea right! We all gossip at times. Yet it’s not a positive thing to do, and benefits no one. Like most everything in life, personal responses involve awareness and being PRESENT in the moment. When you’re aware you’re in a gossip conversation, you can choose to participate or not. Reactions are about choices, and when you’re aware and conscious of what’s happening in the moment you can choose how you want to respond. For me, it’s about limiting my “automatic, ego centered” reactions. Not easy to do. But with awareness and presence in the “now” I can make a conscious choice on how I choose to react.
And yes it’s true…my office is cluttered and a mess!
Filed Under: DW's Blog
Yes, Indeed your office is a mess!