Company Blog
by Adam Zack — April 12, 2017

“OK, I’m bored with my store’s sandwiches anyway.”
A few years back I worked with a guy who frequently said “It is what it is.” Always kind of bugged me the way he said it, as it implied “Those idiots running the company are going to do what they want, and there’s nothing I can do about it, so I am resigned to just passively make generalized, broad comments about my inability to affect any type of positive change.” And since I was one of those idiots running the company, I took some offense to it. It’s a pretty stupid comment anyway. Of course it is what it is. That’s the definition of it. It IS what IT is. It’s NOT what IT is not.” Duh. It made me think of a much more meaningful, actionable and thoughtful saying: “If we keep on doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep on getting what we’re getting.” Yes there is the need for consistency in most of our procedures, services and operations. Consistency in producing uniform quality. Consistency on operations that positively differentiate you from competition. But consistency of mediocre quality and so-so operations and products results in consistent mediocrity. And your competitors love pouncing on mediocrity.
“How’s their deli?”
“It’s OK, I guess.”
“Well you should try the new sandwiches at Melvin’s Market! They do a Philly Cheese Steak that will make you say OMG!”
“OK, I’m bored with my store’s sandwiches anyway.”
And Bam!, you just lost a customer due to consistent mediocrity. Not bad, just not great. And to make it worse, change is hard. Consistent excellence is hard. Keep on innovating and excelling and you’ll keep getting your excellent results. Otherwise, well, it is what it is.
Read More – Peace
Filed Under: Company Blog
So so true!!!! Thanks for putting light on mediocrity and how companies accept it!