Company Blog
by Adam Zack — November 22, 2017

Free Beer
I’m thankful every single day. For the blessings, the challenges, the successes and the failures. There’s a gift in every interaction, and something learned from every thing I screw up. Free choice, free speech, free love and free beer. Wait, there’s no free beer. Thanksgiving Day is one to especially reflect on how truly great we have it in America (and Canada, for you Canucks reading along). How lucky we are that we can sit down at our computer or look at our emails on our phone and our biggest worry is that our battery might run out of charge soon or your operating system needs an update. We pretty much have it that good. So as I look forward to Thanksgiving Day with family, friends, food, wine and football, here are 10 things I am especially Thankful for this year.
- I learned how to listen, and how not to be pissed when the person I am talking to doesn’t.
- It’s OK not to finish books 5 through 7 of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, even though I invested all summer reading books 1-4.
- The Simpsons. 28 years and still the funniest dialogue on TV.
- That I have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and the insight to know it when it presents itself.
- Any kind.
- Learning that expectations are judgments and are based in the past and render me blind to the present.
- Baseball can be exciting again.
- Laughter really is the best medicine.
- The days of casting couches, racist jokes, sexist comments and inappropriate contact are over. They better be or there’ll be major ramifications.
- Love completes my life. My wife (still funny to say that!), my daughters, my family, my co-workers, my lifelong friends. They make everything better, every day.
Read More – Gratitude
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