Company Blog
by Adam Zack — November 1, 2017

Winning can be inspirational
“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”
-Vince Lombardi
I’m in a quandary about winning. I was at the gym yesterday. We work out in small groups and start with a very brisk power walk with weights, about a mile or so. I usually finish first in the walk. (Don’t be too impressed – long legs and most of the other class is middle-aged ladies.) When the rest of the group got back the trainer said “Man, you really kicked our butts today!” I replied that it was the only thing in class that I could win at, because all of the other exercises are really hard and the middle aged ladies kick my butt. I got to thinking how much I like to win. I love to win. I hate to lose. Whether it’s playing cards, my sports teams, driving somewhere or getting the best deal on airfare – I have the need to be first. To win. The quandary comes with my recent “Leading groups effectively” class and the need to be right all the time. It’s not a good thing to have to be right. No bueno. So is the desire to win in the same boat as the desire to be right? Everyone loves a winner, so the saying goes. Everyone definitely does not love the dude who just has to be right all the time. In fact, those guys are pretty much despised. I’m getting some clarity here as I write. Winning can be inspirational. It can be a motivator and the reason that those around you strive to for greatness and want to be with you. Winning makes most everyone who associates with the winner walk a little taller and show their pride. It even makes the loser better by teaching him lessons on how he can improve. So I’ll keep on kicking those ladies butts in the walk and pushing myself to beat them in the squats and lunges and all those other horrible exercises. And I’ll be a humble and happy winner and a gracious loser. Even though I hate it.
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