DW's Blog
Trust Your Instinct
by DW Green — December 13, 2017

“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities.”
We recently had a conversation regarding Return On Investment (ROI). It’s a wise, astute business practice. ROI is about analyzing the probability of a successful outcome. There are few guarantees in life. Not even the blessing of living another day. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t you will see obstacles.”
Yet relying solely on ROI and choosing to do what we’ve been doing and expecting a different outcome is foolish. Sometimes you need to trust your instinct. That knowing or feeling that something will work is all you need.
Trusting and acting on your instinct, your intuition is a powerful life skill.
“Trying hard and giving our all without knowing where that will lead us is a working definition of faith. Regardless of what we face, effort and faith will lead us into the larger stream of life that holds us. And being held by the larger stream of life is another way to describe grace.”—Mark Nepo
Read More – To invest, or not to invest, that is the question
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