DW's Blog
Senator John McCain
by DW Green — August 29, 2018

Rest in Peace John McCain.
I like Senator John McCain. I haven’t always agreed with his policy positions, but I have great respect and admiration for him. He has led a meaningful life. To say he was a good and honorable man would be an understatement.
Two things that Senator McCain would often say resonate deeply with me. He was always grateful for his experiences, for his relationships and his opportunities. I think we’re all grateful for things, but to be mindful of our blessings and gifts on a daily basis is very rare. Secondly, Senator McCain was always mindful of his being of service to something larger than himself. We too, as business owners and leaders, are part of something bigger than ourselves. Supporting our employees and their families, our customers, our vendors, our communities and the environment. We get back what we give. And being of service to others is what brings joy and meaning to our life. I believe Senator McCain was honest and authentic with his declarations of gratitude and his service to others, to country for a greater good. Rest in Peace John McCain.
Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.
– James Allen
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.
– George Eliot
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