Company Blog
The Helpers
by webmaster — March 25, 2020

You will always find people who are helping.
Dear Fellow Grocers. This is very impactful.
Remember Fred Rogers’s famous advice: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.‘“
We are the helpers.
As stress levels and uncertainty remain high during this Covid-19 crisis, it’s very important to let your workers know that the work they are doing is extremely important to our communities. Without the grocery stores, the soul and backbone of every great community, there would be chaos. Without the comfort of knowing that the families can come to you and find a calm and confident staff willing to help, the crisis would be unbearable. For “thinking outside the box” and taking precautions such as passing out disposable gloves, for taking extra sanitizing procedures and doing everything in your power to remain the seemingly one thing that even has a slight resemblance to normal, here’s to you. Cheers, my friends.
Special thanks to my wonderful wife who got this Mr. Rogers quote and sent it to me with a note: “Made me think of you and your awesome crew – you are the helpers too!!”
Read More – Become Aware of Yourself
Filed Under: Company Blog