DW's Blog
Doing from Being
by DW Green — June 24, 2020

A threshold can only be accessed in awareness.
So I’m speaking briefly at a virtual book launch later today. The book title is Crossing Thresholds, a book of poetry, photography and inquiry, written by Amba Gale. The book is available for sale on Amazon! My remarks….
Hello everyone. It’s been an honor to work closely with Amba and her extraordinary team over the past several months! It’s been a new adventure. A journey taking place in new territory…the ground of bringing a self-published book into the world’s marketplace of literature.
This unique experience has been a threshold crossing in and of itself. I realized that a threshold can only be accessed in awareness. In the moment, in the NOW. It’s a doing that arises on its own from Being the threshold. And Being in this thing and in all things in awareness is beautiful and magical. It’s an aliveness that has no bounds. So, thank you Amba for bringing crossing thresholds to mind and into my awareness.
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