Company Blog
It was the worst of times, it was the best of times…
by webmaster — December 30, 2020

Every pro was a rookie once.
2020 will certainly be remembered in history as an epic year. Dominated by Covid-19, it also bore riots, radical financial market swings, the most divisive presidential election ever and devastating wildfires. As hard as it’s been and how much we are all ready for it to be over, it has brought out the best in our country’s grocers. Employees smiling through masks while being on the front lines, scrambling to keep shelves stocked and stores safe and innovating to feed America. One of the best things I read this year came in the form of a family update included in the Christmas card from the Stephen Nelson family. Normally those family updates are so boring. “Cousin Earl got new snow shoes. Daughter Bessie got honorable mention in the spelling bee. Brother Mark dislocated his shoulder showing someone where the camel bit him. Blah, blah, blah.” Not the Nelson family update. Stephen is a young financial professional who is not only raising twin one year-olds with his lovely wife during Covid, but also bought a house and moved and started his own wealth management firm [] during the year. Three major achievements during any normal year, amplified by a pandemic. Here’s what he wrote. It moved me and inspired me, but it did not make me yearn for the days of diaper duty and potty training.
“…This year we all kind of got knocked flat on our face. My friends, this year we were also given a gift, an opportunity to elevate our desires because most of the time we aim too low.” He goes on later: “This year we took a few risks in trying to live out our purpose. A few examples of what we’re working on: slowing down, prioritizing family, emphasizing relationships, and starting a company that works for us rather than the other way around. We’re still trying to figure this out, but every pro was a rookie once.”
I especially liked that last sentence. Every pro was a rookie once. It tells me that mistakes are inevitable, and part of the process of becoming the best. Cheers to you, the tryers, the doers, the risk takers, the learners, the teachers, the successes and the ultimate professionals. Happy New Year 2021.
Read More – Don’t Let Your Attention Slide
Filed Under: Company Blog
So glad I read this! Even though I’m not a youngster I’m never too old to learn! Thanks for taking the time to help me learn. I’m invested. You are a patient and good teacher.
I’m committed to learn. TY….X I