Company Blog
by Adam Zack — January 13, 2021

As leaders, we need to actively ask our teams if they need any help.
Help! I need somebody
Help! Not just anybody
Help! You know I need someone
-John Lennon
“What is the bravest thing you’ve ever said? asked the boy.
‘Help,’ said the horse.
‘Asking for help isn’t giving up,’ said the horse. ‘It’s refusing to give up.”
― Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
We have become stronger as a team over the past 10 months. All our stores have had to brave a threat that seems to change nearly every day. The challenges we have all faced head on have at times seemed overwhelming. Surrendering has never been an option. Screaming in retreat is not an option. People have to eat, and we have to feed them. Employees need to work, and we are there to pay them. They need to be protected, and we take every step we can think of to be their protectors. As we have stabilized and adjusted to our new normal, we have to realize that there are still many on our teams that may need help, either in what they do for us at their jobs or in their personal lives. As leaders, we need to actively ask our teams if they need any help. We have a pretty good hand on sanitation and safety. 2021 will bring great opportunities, that if we plan and execute for, will cement our customer loyalty for many years to come. As leaders, sometimes we need help, too. Our teams want to help us so much, and simply directing them and not asking for their help yields results that could have been so much better. Let’s kick some butt in 2021 together. I get by with a little help from my friends.
Read More – Be The Person You Want To Be
Filed Under: Company Blog
Well said #1. Thanks for being there when I ask for help.