Company Blog
Get Moving
by Adam Zack — June 22, 2022

Too many excuses and procrastinations..
“I always get to where I am going by walking away from where I have been.”
– Winnie the Pooh
For being kind of a simpleton who moves sort of slowly and gets stuck in holes and honey jars, Winnie the Pooh has a lot of practical wisdom. I was reading through The Little Book of Pooh-isms for quotes to inspire and amuse our customers and I came across the one above. It got me thinking that today, being June 22, has us all nearly halfway through the year. The way time flies, especially as we age, never ceases to amaze me. Seems like we are just a few weeks removed from the Super Bowl. But what Pooh really made me think about is how much I have accomplished during the first half of the year. Not nearly as much as I should have. Too many excuses and procrastinations that have prevented more meaningful goals from being accomplished. And were those goals even ever clearly communicated and planned out? Was I present and available for my people and customers? Have you accomplished half of your goals for 2022? It’s not too late. Half the year is still ahead. And it starts by walking away from where you have been so you can get to where you are going.
Read More – Silence
Filed Under: Company Blog