Company Blog
by Adam Zack — November 23, 2022

I am not a turkey. (Although I could not say the same thing about an ass.)
I’m thankful every single day. For the blessings, the challenges, the successes and the failures. For the my health and that of my family and friends. There’s a gift to be thankful for in every interaction, and something learned from every thing I screw up. Free choice, free speech, free love and free beer. Wait, there’s no free beer. Thanksgiving Day is one to especially reflect on how truly great we have it in America (and Canada, for you Canucks reading along). How lucky we are that we can sit down at our computer or look at our emails on our phone and our biggest worry is that our battery might run out of charge soon or your operating system needs an update. We pretty much have it that good. We have made it through 2-½ years of pandemic, so as I look forward to Thanksgiving Day with family, friends, food, eggnog, wine and football, here are 10 things I am especially Thankful for this year, in reverse order.
- I am not a turkey. (Although I could not say the same thing about an ass.)
- My home address ends in USA and not Ukraine or Afghanistan.
- I don’t have to skip Thanksgiving dinner to report for my shift at Walmart.
- Instagram – because without it I wouldn’t know my friends and family are eating well.
- Public transportation. Driving 2 hours each day instead of taking the train would probably kill me.
- Laughter. It really is the best medicine.
- I’m a better pool player than I was a year ago, but still suck a lot of the time.
- Opening my mind more to learn from the wisdom of others and be a better leader.
- A daily routine that leaves me happy and fulfilled.
- The unconditional love I receive from my wife and my daughters. That really is the best.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. May you have blessings and happiness for the holidays and new year.
Read More – Gratitude and Generosity
Filed Under: Company Blog