DW's Blog
The Only Constant In Life Is Change
by DW Green — January 4, 2023

“When you are through changing, you are through.”
Change is synonymous with life. Everything, everywhere is in a constant flux of change. I like this quote from Bruce Barton, author, advertising executive and politician, “When you are through changing, you are through.”
The supermarket business continues to go through radical changes and rapid transformation. Remember only you can control your reaction to changes in your business. Everyone filters information through his or her personal background, wants, needs, fears, hopes, prejudices and beliefs. The result is often the development of urban “myths” about change. Let’s explore some of those myths—and the reality of business.
Myth: This will go away.
Reality: Change is here to stay.
Myth: It will help if I get upset with this.
Reality: Controlling your emotions increases your control over the situation.
Myth: This is a bad thing for my store(s).
Reality: Progress often masquerades as trouble.
Myth: I can keep running my store(s) as I always have.
Reality: If the world is changing, you probably need to change too.
Myth: All these problems prove that change is bad for my industry.
Reality: Problems are a natural side effect of the change process.
Myth: I’m not in a position to make a difference.
Reality: You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.
Myth: The changes weren’t really necessary.
Reality: What’s necessary now is to make the changes work.
Since you can’t stop change, try to be an agent for change. Here are some things to consider:
• Control your attitude.
• Take some ownership of the changes.
• Choose your battles carefully.
• Keep your sense of humor.
• Don’t let your strengths become weaknesses.
• Practice good stress management techniques.
• Invent the future instead of trying to redesign the past.
• Accept the past, focus on the future and anticipate.
• Consider what’s coming, what needs to happen and how you can rise to the occasion.
• Stay loose. Remain flexible. Be light on your feet.
• Instead of changing with the times, anticipate the future and change a little ahead of the times.
So embrace change and have fun with it, for a change!
Read More – Working For You
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