Company Blog
Confidence vs Overconfidence
by Adam Zack — February 22, 2023

Confident leaders just seem to carry themselves better and stronger.
I was thinking the other day about how important it is to have confidence as a great leader. The best leaders have full faith in themselves, in their decisions and especially in their team. Of course they make mistakes, but make lots of decisions daily that usually result in moving the team and the business forward. Confidence shows and inspires others to do better. Just as fear and the lack of confidence shows on your face, behavior and demeanor, confidence radiates and inspires. You don’t have to have great hair, be particularly good looking, tall or slim to radiate confidence. Confident leaders just seem to carry themselves better and stronger. I know dozens of confident leaders, but I also know some that are overconfident. They project a “know it all” attitude and tend to be dismissive. They are not good listeners and don’t inspire those that they lead to be like them. Worse yet is the arrogant leader. The kind who just knows his shit doesn’t stink. The turnover rate of his employees is high, and no one wants to be like him. He gets talked about behind his back and works from a level of fear. No one approaches him for guidance or advice. You know the type: Arrogant Prick. Or maybe Arrogant Bastard. I can tell you one thing, all our shit stinks.
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