Company Blog
The Word Habit
by Adam Zack — March 15, 2023

Actually, I ….
Words matter. I used to know a guy who said “Actually” after almost everything I told him. Actually, I still do know him but I hardly see him. I’d tell him about a new food that I thought was really good and he’d say “It was really good, actually.” I’d tell him about a movie or TV show, and he’d say “Actually, I really liked it.” As if he expected my recommendation to be wrong and surprisingly, it was right. I knew another guy who every time I told him something good about anything, he’d reply with “Yeah, I know…” I’d mention a sports fact or something, and I’d get “Yeah, I know…” I think he must know everything. “Honestly” is another response that gets to be a habit. Does anyone think if you don’t start with the word “honestly” you’re lying the rest of the time. I know that these are ticky tacky little peeves, but I do think that every word you say matters in some way. A good listener also hears themself and when we get in the conversation habit, some of those words lose meaning.
Read More – Mastery
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