Company Blog
What do you think about me?
by Adam Zack — May 24, 2023

We’re 100% dependent on the scrutiny of our customers and employees.
I love comedy. Whenever we need something to watch on TV our fallback is always some standup comedy. Demetri Martin. Tom Segura. Chad Daniels. John Mulaney. Mike Birbiglia. Jim Gaffigan. Dave Chappelle.
The joy that hearty laughter brings is the best. It brings relief and smiles, and it just feels great to laugh. Great comedians are smart. Really smart. I was watching the sometimes funny Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee and Dave Chappelle was Jerry Seinfeld’s guest. In the course of their conversation Dave said “Not caring about the scrutiny of others is the hardest thing to do.” Man, that hit home. And I thought the hardest thing to do was to be a good listener. But truly not caring about what other people are saying about you takes more than just thick skin. I think that you have to be some kind of pompous ass to not care about what other people think. Maybe the truly arrogant couldn’t care less. Or the truly rich. Because, especially in the food business, we are 100% dependent on the scrutiny of our customers and employees. We are sensitive and competitive by nature and constantly seek feedback and approval. “What do you think?” “How was it?” “How are we doing?” “Did you find everything you were looking for?” We solicit scrutiny through customer comment cards, “contact us” portals on the website “blog comments” sections and constant employee interaction. We take it personal, and we respond to it accordingly. We have to, because we do care. Our business requires it to succeed and evolve. So the next time someone tries to tell you that they don’t care what others think, know that they are probably full of crap. Even Dave Chappelle can’t do that.
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