Company Blog
Saying What You Think
by Adam Zack — August 30, 2023

“She thanked me again and again.”
Late last year I wrote about making the commitment to enunciate your thoughts and feelings when you interact with someone who really affects you positively. I’ve been hit and miss on that commitment, but have been reminded a lot recently because customers have made the point of coming up to me, unsolicited, to tell me how much they love my grocery store in San Diego. They have expressed appreciation and gratitude for the service my team provides, the quality of our products, the friendly interactions, the variety of foods and how much we give back to the community. Every single time it happens I get a little embarrassed (which I shouldn’t), but also very proud and I let them know that they just made my day. It’s a good feeling when your vision becomes a reality. So reminded of saying what I think, I had the chance to put it into action. I go to physical therapy for my hand weekly, and every time there is a woman named Lisa at the front area where you check in. She, without fail, is so friendly and welcoming. You know it’s sincere, and her personality just makes you want to be a better person. So last week when I was leaving, Instead of just saying “Bye, see you next week!” I went over to her desk and thanked her for always being so cheerful and that it’s evident that she makes a difference in the lives of all the patients that come and go, some of them with truly tough rehabilitation roads to recovery. Her reaction was almost like she had never heard appreciation for what she does, she seemed taken aback and said it was the patients she sees every day that make her job fulfilling. She thanked me again and again. I left and thought, “I really need to do that more often.” And I will.
Read More – Fear Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Filed Under: Company Blog