Company Blog
More On Listening
by Adam Zack — October 11, 2023

“Is it OK if I finish my story?”
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” –Stephen R. Covey
A while ago I wrote about a guy who during any conversation just had to finish the other person’s sentences. It’s one of the most annoying habits – and it really is just a bad habit – that someone can have. I’ve noticed it a lot lately with a young guy and a lady I know. It’s a combination of incredibly poor manners and even poorer listening skills. I struggle with the urge to reach out with a quick smack to change the behavior. Or just roll my eyes. A good friend of mine actually gets this pissed off look on his face and says “Is it OK if I finish my story?” when people cut him off before he’s done talking. So the question here is how can you effectively and tactfully point out the habit and give the lesson that listening is one of the greatest skills and most important tools for success? How can we as managers be better listeners and teachers? In the Heart of Leadership class by Amba Gale, if someone in the group interrupted (or even got up to use the bathroom) during her lesson, instead of just ignoring the disruption and going on, she would stop and call the person out on the offending behavior, as it shows disrespect to the speaker and those who are listening. It was like getting in trouble in fourth grade for passing love notes to the cute girl in the next row. Embarrassing, but extremely effective at preventing it from happening again. So my goal this week is to be a listener and a teacher: tactful and effective without changing the culture of openness, comfort and teamwork.
Read More – Stuff to Ponder
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