Company Blog
The Body
by Adam Zack — October 4, 2023

We sleep better when we’re healthy!
I was sitting on the train, looking out at the Pacific Ocean on my way home Monday and my mind was just wandering. The thought that well run organizations are comparable to a healthy body sprung from nowhere, and I thought “Wow, subconscious, you are right.” I started thinking about how both a healthy body and a well-run grocery store (or any organization) needs a brain, a heart, a soul, muscles, blood, and more. I further thought about just who is the heart, soul, blood, etc of organizations I know. Many years ago, a very senior and experienced employee told me that I was the heart and soul of the company. It was the best compliment I ever received. So the more I thought about it, the more I felt I should write about my thoughts and feelings, and maybe someone else will think about who in their organization keeps the company body healthy and thriving and recognize those contributors.
The Heart & Soul – This person, or persons, embody the mission, vision, ideals and identity of the organization. They talk the talk, walk the walk and are most likely who the community thinks of when they think about the organization.
The Brain – Often a behind the scenes person, they are responsible for strategizing, planning, organizing and making sure the path of the company always points forward.
The Muscles – These are the workers that care deeply about the organization, are motivated by the Heart and Soul, and respect the Brain (even when they might not agree). They work well with their co-muscles and take great pride in their work and they are not fond of fat that sometimes shows up around them.
The Blood – No other part of the body survives without the Blood. The blood is your community that supports you. You nourish them with food, and they keep you healthy by supporting you with their patronage. They make sure all the parts of the body survive and stay healthy.
So yeah, this is a pretty simplified analogy, but to me it holds true. We sleep better when we are healthy, and even better when we know our company is healthy and thriving.
Read More – Patience
Filed Under: Company Blog