Company Blog
Be Present
by Adam Zack — January 10, 2024

“It’s easy to get distracted and not give 100% of your attention to who you are interacting with.”
My wife and I made the deal that when we go out for dinner or lunch we put our phones away. Usually in her purse, not just upside down on the table. It’s a way for us both to be fully present and not distracted by texts or calls or checking social media or sports scores. It’s worked out really well, except one time when we finished eating and saw we both had about 15 missed calls because one of the ovens blew up at our market. Being fully present in all your human interactions takes effort and determination. It’s so easy to get distracted and not give 100% of your attention to who you are interacting with. In fact, I’d say the majority of the time we aren’t 100% present in our relationships. I was watching the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary “The Last Dance” about Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls and their incredible run of 6 NBA championships in 8 years. An amazing feat. What really caught my attention was reporter Mark Vancil’s explanation of what made Michael Jordan the greatest competitor and basketball player of all time. He said “His gift was that he was completely present. And that was the separator.” Michael Jordan’s ability to be completely in the moment at all times without having to force himself enabled him to rise above all competition. We can all make the effort to be fully present, but it will always take just that – effort. To be able to do that without effort, that’s special.
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