Company Blog
Customer Service
by Adam Zack — April 24, 2024

Many people’s definition of great customer service is NOT having bad customer service.
I sat in on a leadership learning course yesterday with a group of six employees and our leadership coach, John Wood. One of the first questions he asked the group was “What’s your definition of outstanding customer service?” The answers varied from very vague, to slightly more specific, however no one gave a detailed response with an example of a great customer service experience. As we discussed the topic further, it dawned on me that many people’s definition of great customer service is NOT having bad customer service. Simple things like opening another checkout lane when the lines get long, smiling and greeting the customer and escorting them to a product when they inquire about where it’s located are now examples of excellent customer service instead of being expected, even required 10 to 20 years ago. In the old school days of retail, you would be remanded, even terminated, if you didn’t perform the basic customer service guidelines your employer set out. Perhaps the past 4+ years have changed our expectations of just what excellent customer service is and we are happy to just not receive indifferent service, but I really believe excellent customer service is still out there, but we don’t expect it, when in fact we do deserve it.
Read More – For the Love of Love
Filed Under: Company Blog
Yes Adam I see customer service is on a decline
It comes from the top down, if people are not treated well then they will not be treating customers properly
I see this in a lot of retail and it’s a really problem for companies
Years ago early in my career the company I worked for invested in its employees and it sure paid off. I don’t see this happening anymore