Company Blog
Food, you look SO good!
by Adam Zack — January 9, 2019

Food is entertainment!
Smart does not equal wise
by Adam Zack — January 2, 2019

The smartest leaders surround themselves with the smartest people.
Hugs and I love you mans
by Adam Zack — December 26, 2018

How great is it to get a real hug from your brother without any uncomfortableness?
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
by Adam Zack — December 19, 2018
Watch Video >Christmas time is loaded with lists. What gifts to get who. Who’s coming for dinner. What do you need to shop for. What’s the menu. Who to send cards to. Who not to send cards to. Who’s naughty. Who’s nice. As a kid we always made lists of what we wanted Santa (and a bit later, say 9 years old or so) or our parents to get us for Christmas. We started by looking at the Sears catalog in September. Marking pages, reading it over and over. Adding and subtracting to the list as fall marched towards Christmas. Not putting anything on the list that’s too far out of reach, but still with hopeful, lofty goals.Grandparents wanted to know what was on the list. And since I had three sets of grandparents, the list got fulfilled a bit more. It’s a very exciting time of year for list makers. Because I have great parents and family, the lists usually reached a pretty saturated state of cross-outedness. And since my birthday was a moreYou can’t always get what you wantBut if you try sometime you findYou get what you need– Jagger/Richards, The Rolling StonesMakin’ a list and checkin’ it twice
Cover This
by Adam Zack — December 11, 2018

The best retailers write their own music
Just the Tip
by Adam Zack — December 5, 2018

Son of Cheapass
What an A-Hole!
by Adam Zack — November 28, 2018

A last resort
We’re on the same team here
by Adam Zack — November 20, 2018

We are not adversaries
We’re Through
by Adam Zack — November 15, 2018

Who is the real casualty of the break-up?
The Uncomfort Zone
by Adam Zack — November 6, 2018
I have a birthmark the size of a quarter right on my neck. It’s natural, I did nothing to cause it and don’t even really see it when I look in the mirror. I was probably 7 when I first got teased about it. “What is it, a hickey??!!!” I didn’t even know what a hickey was (and fortunately, only had to live through the embarrassment of a real hickey once). I have been chided about it probably a thousand times. From the nickname “Hickey Man” to endless “Who gave you the hickey??!!” (Your mom did was always a good comeback.) But the most memorable comment came from a total stranger. I was working in one of our grocery stores and passed a customer on the aisle, asking him if I could help him find anything. He responded that I should have my birthmark checked out by a doctor (at least he didn’t call it a hickey) to make sure it wasn’t cancerous. Turns out he was a doctor. I did ask my doctor about it on a future visit, turns out it’s just a birthmark, not skin cancer OR a hickey.
A tactful leader than can point out life’s embarrassments.