Company Blog
The Big Things
by Adam Zack — January 24, 2018

A truly great man or woman.
Penny for Your Thoughts
by Adam Zack — January 17, 2018

Success or failure is literally built on pennies.
by Adam Zack — January 10, 2018

It’s capitalism 101
Inspire Thyself
by Adam Zack — January 3, 2018

2018 is the ideal time to look inward for inspiration.
If You Had to Choose
by Adam Zack — December 27, 2017

Would they choose our store?
Do you ever play out the scenario “If you had a gun to your head and you HAD to choose…” followed by something like one food to eat the rest of your life, or one album to listen to, or which kid is your favorite? Kind of like Sophie’s Choice*, but without the death consequence for the child you didn’t choose. When it comes to shopping, a loathsome chore in my book, I used to have discussions with my two daughters about shopping and my strong aversion to malls. I told them that I could be happy for the rest of my life with only two stores – Jensen’s (our grocery store) and Target (for clothes, entertainment, housewares). Home Depot might be a close third. The scenario would never play out in real life, but it got me thinking about the question that if someone had a gun to my head and I could only choose ONE grocery store to shop at for the rest of my life, what would it be? All things would have to be considered – prices, selection, quality, service. No longer would I be able to get paper towels and foil at Costco and potstickers at Trader Joes and fresh meat at Jensen’s. It would be all in one til death do us part. The more interesting part of the question would be what...
read moreThe Name Game
by Adam Zack — December 20, 2017

Susan was just too lazy to pass those potatoes to Pa.
To invest, or not to invest, that is the question
by Adam Zack — December 13, 2017

Investing in your store requires belief in yourself
Everyone Wants to Play
by Adam Zack — December 5, 2017

Preparation is the hard part.
That’s NOT what she said
by Adam Zack — November 29, 2017

Once funny now offensive, and for good reason.
by Adam Zack — November 22, 2017

Free Beer
- I learned how to listen, and how not to be pissed when the person I am talking to doesn’t.
- It’s OK not to finish books 5 through 7 of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, even though I invested all summer reading books 1-4.
- The Simpsons. 28 years and still the funniest dialogue on TV.
- That I have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and the insight to know it when it presents itself.
- Any more