Company Blog
The Arrogant Bastard
by Adam Zack — May 7, 2024

“…enjoy what we work so hard for: Our family, our friends, our personal indulgences.”
Non Verbal Communication/Eye Contact
by Adam Zack — May 1, 2024

Non-verbal communication often says way more about you, or someone else, than what is actually said.
Customer Service
by Adam Zack — April 24, 2024

Many people’s definition of great customer service is NOT having bad customer service.
I am calm!
by Adam Zack — April 17, 2024

Winners remain calm under pressure, even when the pressure is intense.
Read More – B. S. moreThey, them
by Adam Zack — April 10, 2024

They is Me!
Seth Godin’s Blog
by Adam Zack — April 3, 2024

Generosity is about others. “How can I help?”
I’m Sorry
by Adam Zack — March 27, 2024

There are three parts to a good amends
There is an art to apologizing. No, I shouldn’t say art, because that implies that with a lot of practice and natural talent, you have become really good at something. Being sorry so often that you have become a professional apologizer is not something you brag about. As essentially good people, we are trying to behave in thoughtful ways that don’t require frequent apologies. But we all screw up. Whether intentional or not, we all do and say things that hurt or offend others. And when we do that, as good people, we need to atone for our transgressions in a meaningful way. Love grows from forgiveness, and true repentance heals both the transgressor and the victim. Where things get sticky, and can result in prolonged grief and bad feelings, is an apology that sounds insincere or is not specific. “Sorry I made you mad” doesn’t quite cut it. “I’m sorry you’re so sensitive” is an insult. I read a lot, and a recent “Ask Amy” advice column in the newspaper (yes, some people still read the newspaper, but we are a dying breed) addressed making amends:
“There are three parts to a good amends: (1) tell them what you did (in other words, take more
by Adam Zack — March 20, 2024

“That all takes money.”
Just a Chip
by Adam Zack — March 13, 2024

“… show them” that they were wrong.
by Adam Zack — March 6, 2024

“How can I help?”
(Help) not just anybody
(Help) you know I need someone, help
– The BeatlesThere’s a movie from 1958 called The Fly. It starred Vincent Price and is the story of a scientist who invents this machine that teleports objects from one place to another. Not wanting to stop with just objects, he experiments with animals and finally people. The experiment goes terribly wrong when a common fly gets in the teleporting chamber as it’s about to transport the scientist. The result at the other end is a man with a fly’s head and a fly with a man’s head. The most memorable line is the fly-bodied tiny monstrosity screaming in a tiny fly-sized voice “Help meeee! Help meeee!” It’s a phrase that’s been repeated in reference to the film for decades, and you always picture that tiny fly with the human head. Of course, by then, it’s too late to help the fly-man, and the only help that could possibly be given is a quick smack with the fly swatter.More often today, asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness. Very often in our grocery business (and pretty much in any business) we avoid asking for help. Even when help is offered – “Let me know what I can do to help.” “If more