Company Blog
Going to the Dogs (and Cats)
by Adam Zack — September 3, 2015

Fetch: Dog days of summer
The Complete Package
by Adam Zack — August 26, 2015

Tiffany’s package has made girls
hearts race since 1906
Life’s a Sandwich
by Adam Zack — August 20, 2015

“Ugh, I ate too much.”
The Hardest Words
by Adam Zack — August 12, 2015

Lead Me, Lead Me
by Adam Zack — August 6, 2015

LEADER (noun)
- a person or thing that leads.
- a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group.
Howdy Partner
by Adam Zack — July 31, 2015
Over the past 25 years I have seen many, many grocery store employees treat salesmen, delivery drivers, merchandisers, repairmen and other vendors like $@#*. I think it’s some kind of junior power trip, where they know they have some leverage because, after all “I’m the customer! I’m paying this guy’s salary by letting him (or her) sell to me!” It’s like they are in Bizzaro World and do the exact opposite of how they are taught to treat their customers. And you know what happens after the vendor does his job and leaves the store? He runs into other vendors, and employees in other stores, and his family and friends and says something along the lines of “You’re not going to believe what an @*&^%$#@ the guy at XYZ Market is! If I didn’t have to deliver to them, I’d never go in there!” And the word gets around. So where do these employees get this behavior? Were they beaten like redheaded step-children as kids? Were they bullied in their youth and are now getting their revenge? Or are they just following the example of person who trained them and other employees they have observed? Whatever the reason, it is management’s responsibility to create a culture of respect and courtesy with their store. It obviously starts with the customer who comes through the front door, but it has to continue to the plumber’s helper who is just there to pump the grease trap. (And if there ever was a job that deserved a little respect and sympathy, moreHumor Sells
by Adam Zack — July 23, 2015
A priest, a minister and a rabbi want to see who’s best at his job. So they go into the woods, and they find a bear, and they try to convert it to their particular religion. Later, they get together, and the priest says, “Well, when I found the bear, I read to him from the Catechism and sprinkled him with holy water”. And the minister says, “Well, I found a bear by the stream. I preached God’s holy word to him. The bear was so mesmerized that he let me baptize him”. They both looked down at the rabbi, who’s laying on a gurney in a body cast and they said, “What happened?” And the rabbi said, “Well, I never should have started with the circumcision”. It’s funny, right? Humor in our daily lives has the unique and encompassing ability to ease tensions, to lighten a situation, to make us relax. Laughter, or even just a natural smile is a proven stress reliever. But how is it relative to our business as grocers and marketers? Is it even something you should consider when marketing or creating an ad? Absolutely. Check out this store sign:
Crunch Time
by Adam Zack — July 9, 2015

The Art of Thought
by Adam Zack — July 1, 2015

Get Your Share of Cyber Monday
by Adam Zack — June 25, 2015