Company Blog
My Favorite Thing
by Adam Zack — April 10, 2019

I LOVE my bed.
What’s your prized possession? It can’t be a person, a feeling, a place or a pet. An actual thing that you bought or were given. I think generally the people I hang out with are not overly materialistic, so we’re not talking a lot about stuff. About food, and wine, yes, we get enthusiastic. Probably too enthusiastic. I understand how some might have an antique car that they’ve restored, an exceptionally meaningful piece of jewelry, or super cool big screen TV as a prized possession. I get it.
What made me think about my prized possession happened on a Sunday morning a couple weeks ago. The blinds were all shut tight, I didn’t have to work or be anywhere, and I slept in until almost 8:00. Normally up at 5:40, the two-plus extra hours sleep felt so great, and as I woke up slowly, I thought “I LOVE my bed. It’s my prized possession.” And it has been for the last 10 years or so since I got it. I lovingly rotate the mattress 180 degrees every three months to keep it from getting old and saggy and we make it up every day out of respect for the rest and support it gives us. When I am away from it traveling, I miss it. When I get in it with its comfy sheets each night, I am thankful, and rest comes easily. It’s the one thing that I can think of that I would really be sad if something happened to it.
Those of us with grocery stores know what it’s like to have your store be your prized possession. Remember the feeling of pride that welled up and nearly brought tears when you opened for the first time? Or the relief and appreciation when a particularly stressful remodel (aren’t they all?) was completed. Our prized possessions are not just simply a thing. They are a thing that gives back to us a feeling that brings pride and joy. Peace and comfort. And they contribute to a good night’s sleep.
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Filed Under: Company Blog