Company Blog
Old’s Cool
by Adam Zack — July 26, 2023

The experience of knowing what to do, and what not to do is easily taken for granted.
Seems like the millennials get all the attention.
Everyone cares what they think, what they eat, what they buy, how much money they make, if they’re happy. The surveys focus on them – “90% of millennials had organic avocado toast with Maldon sea salt on it for breakfast in the last 30 days…” Don’t get me wrong, I love the millennials. I work with them, joke with them, am friends with them – heck, I even have a couple of my own. With all that millennial focus, what I think has got lost is how the old dudes and babes get overlooked and taken for granted. No one really cares if we get our feelings hurt or what we think of the latest fashion trend. They know we will take care of ourselves. Where I think the old folks – and yes I put myself in that category just by using the word folks – need some appreciation shown is the workplace. People who have been with one company for 20 years or more are often the soul of the business. They have seen good times and bad. They’ve grown up with the company and seen the customers grow up with them too. You see government workers with extreme longevity, but they don’t count in my book. The ones that count are the private sector. They’re the cashiers, buyers, human resource managers, store managers and office support staff that have made the grocery business a career. It’s certainly true that change is good – and necessary – in the food business. But the experience of knowing what to do, and what not to do is easily taken for granted. So to my old school compatriots, this Bud’s for you. Old’s cool.
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