
Company Blog


by Adam Zack — November 22, 2023

“I don’t feel as old as I look.”

It’s unbelievable. Thanksgiving 2023! When we were kids time seemed to just go so sloooooowwww and somewhere in our 20’s or early 30’s it seems to have speeded up. “I hope I die before I get old” has morphed into “I don’t feel as old as I look” and constantly reminds me of everything I have to be thankful for, every day.Top Nine Things I am thankful for 2023
  1. A return to mostly normal life.  Baseball games, concerts, travel all without a mask.
  2. Smashburgers. I mastered this one at home.  So delicious.
  3. Employees that treat me and each other like family.
  4. A boss that makes it a point to compliment and is funny and weird.
  5. Thomas Keller’s schnitzel recipe.
  6. Kids that make their own way, think their own thoughts and still love their dad.
  7. A big family tree of nuts who doesn’t usually judge, seldom fights, loves each other unconditionally and always has each other’s backs.
  8. The love of a woman who is my number one fan.
  9. The freedom and opportunity to work hard, play harder and have the health to get up and do it again every single day.
Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for the fun and friendship....
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by Adam Zack — November 15, 2023

Man-hugs were pretty much non-existent.

The 70s and 80s were pretty much emotionless decades. Actually, all the preceding decades were too. I don’t mean that there were no emotions, I mean that they just didn’t get shared publicly like today. When we were growing up, guys greeted each other with a handshake, or maybe a high-five. Our dads didn’t say “I love you” every time we talked on the phone. They rarely said it at all. I don’t think my dad told me he loved me until I was in my 40s. Man-hugs were pretty much non-existent. Brothers didn’t express any affection, especially publicly. We loved our friends, brothers, sisters and dads just as much then as now, too. We just didn’t show it.Especially over this holiday period, I try to take a step back to take stock of all the things – and people – in my life that I love and am thankful for. I am especially thankful that it’s OK to show it and say it. How great is it to get a real hug from your brother without any uncomfortableness? To see male friends and be able to say I love you or I miss you without worrying that someone is thinking that you two are maybe a little more than “friends’? [Not that there’s anything wrong with that!] It’s especially tricky in today’s #metoo culture. I really missed...
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by Adam Zack — November 8, 2023


Customers can be convinced to shop at your store simply due to the words you use and how you market them.

Knives, swords and guns are powerful weapons, no doubt. Wars have been fought, won and lost because of the weapons deployed. The bigger knife, bigger gun, bigger bomb usually wins the war. But it’s words and gestures that are the most powerful weapon when it comes to starting, or ending, a fight. An insult can, and has, started a war. Calm words have prevented them. So when it comes to power to influence and change things, start by examining the words you use and how you deliver them. Customers can be convinced to shop at your store simply due to the words you use and how you market them. Spell things wrong, use terrible grammar, be unimaginative and the chances of you persuading someone to look your way are drastically reduced. It follows suit with existing employees and customers – the words you say and how you deliver them can make or break the relationship. Compliments freely and thoughtfully delivered will inspire loyalty and appreciation. “You look great today, Miss Jones”, “Have you lost a little weight, Bob?” “You did a fantastic job closing last night, Mark.” are all simple things to say that are often not spoken. And t...
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Calm before the storm

by Adam Zack — November 1, 2023

Telling someone to “Just stay calm” usually has the opposite effect.

I think I can speak for the group of us when I say that we all love being in a state of calmness. There’s no emergencies going on. We’re relaxed, focused and content. Calm is organized, aware and productive. It’s not distracted or interrupted. Calm comes after a good night’s sleep and isn’t easily distracted. Winners remain calm under pressure, even when the pressure is intense. We all want to remain calm, and want others around us to do the same. I have learned, however, that staying calm is not a piece of advice that can be easily given. Telling someone to “Just stay calm” or “Calm down” usually has the opposite effect. Something along the lines of “Don’t you tell me to calm down! I am calm! YOU calm down!!!!” Calm doesn’t have exclamation points. Ever. So next time you find someone on your team or your family in an obvious non-calm state, the way to get them to calm the F down is by how you behave in the situation. Leaders stay chill under pressure, and the team follows.

Read More – Sales vs Expenses

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Getting to Know You

by Adam Zack — October 25, 2023


“A reciprocal relationship is satisfying and rewarding for everyone involved.”

It’s a very ancient saying,
But a true and honest thought
That if you become a teacher
By your pupils you’ll be taught
As a teacher I’ve been learning
You’ll forgive me if I boast
And I’ve now become an expert
On the subject I like most
Getting to know youGetting to know you
Getting to know all about you
Getting to like you
Getting to hope you like me
– Rogers & Hammerstein from the movie The King and I. Sung by Julie AndrewsI don’t think enough can be said about the most successful and effective leaders ability to know their workers. Asking and listening about what is going on in the lives of the people you are surrounded by is the key to a reciprocal relationship. And a reciprocal relationship is satisfying and rewarding for everyone involved. When you, as a leader know details – and I don’t mean prying, sordid details – about the lives of your team they work harder for you and feel how much you care about them. Asking how their kids soccer team is doing, how their day off was, and how their spouse is doing all show a level of caring that ...
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Put Down the Weight

by Adam Zack — October 18, 2023

“Forgiveness isn’t about making the wrong-er feel better, it’s about making me feel better.”

Last week the subject came up about how many families have fights that go on for months, years – even lifetimes. Some feuds are generational, like the Hatfields versus the McCoys. We discussed how many times the wronged are completely justified in their feelings of betrayal and hurt, but there is often no justifying what someone has done to you. It’s just plain wrong – hence you are the wronged. But once the deed is done, how can it be put in the past and forgotten? Most wrongs are never forgotten. Sure, they get dull with time and the details become fuzzy with the help of good wine and better times, but deep hurt and resentment still lie deep. The common belief we have is that to forgive someone, we have to somehow reconcile the circumstances that what they did to us was somehow okay, that it was forgivable. I thought that for about 50 years. But even a stubborn old dude can learn, because forgiveness isn’t about making the wrong-er feel better, it’s about making me feel better. The anger and negativity I may feel towards someone else (or towards myself if I have deep feelings of guilt) are like one of those old-fashioned barbells that weigh me down. Sure, I may get ...
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More On Listening

by Adam Zack — October 11, 2023

“Is it OK if I finish my story?”

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” –Stephen R. CoveyA while ago I wrote about a guy who during any conversation just had to finish the other person’s sentences. It’s one of the most annoying habits – and it really is just a bad habit – that someone can have. I’ve noticed it a lot lately with a young guy and a lady I know. It’s a combination of incredibly poor manners and even poorer listening skills. I struggle with the urge to reach out with a quick smack to change the behavior. Or just roll my eyes. A good friend of mine actually gets this pissed off look on his face and says “Is it OK if I finish my story?” when people cut him off before he’s done talking. So the question here is how can you effectively and tactfully point out the habit and give the lesson that listening is one of the greatest skills and most important tools for success? How can we as managers be better listeners and teachers? In the Heart of Leadership class by Amba Gale, if someone in the group interrupted (or even got up to use the bathroom) during her lesson, instead of just ignoring the disruption and going on, she would stop and call the person...
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The Body

by Adam Zack — October 4, 2023

We sleep better when we’re healthy!

I was sitting on the train, looking out at the Pacific Ocean on my way home Monday and my mind was just wandering. The thought that well run organizations are comparable to a healthy body sprung from nowhere, and I thought “Wow, subconscious, you are right.” I started thinking about how both a healthy body and a well-run grocery store (or any organization) needs a brain, a heart, a soul, muscles, blood, and more. I further thought about just who is the heart, soul, blood, etc of organizations I know. Many years ago, a very senior and experienced employee told me that I was the heart and soul of the company. It was the best compliment I ever received. So the more I thought about it, the more I felt I should write about my thoughts and feelings, and maybe someone else will think about who in their organization keeps the company body healthy and thriving and recognize those contributors.The Heart & Soul – This person, or persons, embody the mission, vision, ideals and identity of the organization. They talk the talk, walk the walk and are most likely who the community thinks of when they think about the organization.The Brain – Often a behind the scenes person, they a...
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by Adam Zack — September 27, 2023


Make someone’s day. Today!

As I’ve written before, pretty much everything we do, see, watch and read revolves around money. How much did you save? What kind of deal can I get? That place is too expensive. There’s a big sale this Wednesday. Sales are up. Sales are down. I hate to think about it, I hate to say it, but it’s true. No matter how much I wish I didn’t have to think about balancing budgets, being fair, who owes who how much and when are they going to start paying it back, are we even, spending or not spending and investing back, what to buy, who and how much to spend for birthdays or Christmas, it’s just a fact of today’s life.One of my early memories about money was when I was about 10. We were with my dad in San Francisco at a very nice restaurant called Scoma’s, for lunch. There were 6 of us in total, I think. When the bill came my dad was going to leave a $4 tip. Yes, four bucks. Mind you, this was about 49 years ago, but even then a $4 tip was cheapskate/insulting territory. I begged him to leave more and wondered if he didn’t, how would I be able to get out of the restaurant without being permanently branded as Son of Cheap-ass. I think he did leave more – grudgingly – but his reasoning that it’s the sa...
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You’re the owner now

by Adam Zack — September 20, 2023

What would you do if a customer had a particularly bad experience at your store and how would you make it right.

I decided to look back at some of my old blogs to see how my writing style and content has changed since I started writing them in 2015. The old blogs were much longer (maybe too long) and the topics have evolved from more grocery practical to more philosophical. I came across this one written in early 2016 and was reminded just how fantastic this idea was and still is today.BLOG #4 – JANUARY 2016I’ve talked and talked (and written and written) on the importance of treating employees like they really are family, being involved and aware of their lives outside of the store and how doing so will pay huge dividends in terms of employee loyalty, retention and the service they provide to your customers. While finding these great people to spread your message of food love and happiness to your customers is not an easy task, it is done by the best grocers consistently and thoughtfully. So how can I help you pick the best applicant among the dozens who may be applying for anything from a courtesy clerk to a store manager? Bob LaBonne Jr, President and CEO of the employee focused LaBonne’s Markets in Connecticut shared ...
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