
DW's Blog


by DW Green — August 24, 2016

FullSizeRenderOur sales formula is to BE of service to our clients. Our intention is to BE a valuable vendor partner who contributes to the success of our clients. Our clients’ success IS our success.Our mission is two-fold.
  1. Help develop a differentiable strategic market position.
  2. Express that position in a meaningful, relevant manner that connects emotionally with all stakeholders. Shareholders, employees, vendors, customers and the community at large.
Often times we are only hired to assist in one or the other area. Regardless of our role, we are wholeheartedly dedicated to the success of our client.From my experience both companies and individuals can benefit from an outside perspective.“The lesson is as direct as it is disruptive: There is no such thing as an average or old-fashioned business, just average or old-fashioned ways to do business. The thrill of breakthrough creativity can be summoned in all sorts of industries and all walks of life if executives and entrepreneurs are prepared to reimagine what’s possible in their fields. In fact, the opportunity to reach for extraordinary may be most pronounced in settings that have been far too ordinary for far too long. How are you doing ordinary things in extraordinary ...
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Attracting New Shoppers

by DW Green — August 17, 2016

Meaningful, impactful advertising is what gets them there in the first place!

Meaningful, impactful advertising is what gets them there in the first place!

Often times when sales and customer counts are flat or declining, a bold, new visual look and go-to-market strategy can shake up a market. Unveiling a new advertising look can create excitement with customers and employees alike. Plus change is normally a good thing. Non- shoppers are the biggest source for new primary customers and new revenue.Advertising and marketing that is developed in the context of themes and storytelling is the best way to attract the attention of non-shoppers. And the presentation of those themes and story’s must be applied differently to each marketing platform. For example, the print ad that is posted on the website must minimally become an interactive tool to add sale items to a shopping list. A searchable item list is better. A pdf of an ad on a mobile device is not effective at all. It’s very important that advertising and promotions are well integrated into all marketing platforms, including in-store signage. This message and activity integration builds momentum, resulting in more sales and more customers. What makes this all work so well is the planning. The...
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Enforcement Choice

by DW Green — August 10, 2016


Non-enforcement isn’t the answer.

Adam’s blog topic today is excellent. The real challenge here is with enforcement.We all live within guidelines that influence, direct or affect our behavior. Whether they are laws, rules, regulations, policies or general decorum. We may not personally agree with a particular rule or law or it may seem to be unfair or unjust based on personal experience or point of view. However, it seems to me, it is how consistently the rule or law is enforced that creates difficulty and problems. Immigration is an excellent example, however complex and complicated the issue is, the government’s enforcement or lack thereof only adds to the national divisiveness on the subject. Often times laws and rules need to be revised to meet our changing society. However, non-enforcement isn’t the answer.Businesses’ too, have rules and policies that act as guiding principles or requirements for employment. Employees have a choice to either work within a company’s stated policies or to work somewhere else. Problems and resentments ALWAYS arise when management fails to enforce rules and policies consistently and uniformly.Life is a constant state of choice making!...
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The Only Constant In Life Is Change

by DW Green — August 2, 2016


“When you are through changing, you are through.”

A synonym for life is change. Everything, everywhere is in a constant flux of change. I like this quote from Bruce Barton, author, advertising executive and politician, “When you are through changing, you are through.”Way back in 1970, I read Future Shock, a great book by Alvin Toffler. Future Shock was about change, and the affect that the accelerated rate of technological and social change had on society. From an historic perspective the speed of change from the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century to the “super-industrial society” of the 1970’s was mind-boggling and it has only intensified thousands-fold since then.The supermarket business too has gone through radical changes and its rapid transformation continues. Remember only you can control your reaction to changes in your business. Everyone filters information through his or her personal background, wants, needs, fears, hopes, prejudices and beliefs. The result is often the development of urban “myths” about change. Let’s explore some of those myths—and the reality of business.Myth: This will go away.
Reality: Change is here to sta
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by DW Green — July 27, 2016


Grave Marker: Boot Hill

I was in Tombstone Arizona over the weekend. Tombstone is best known for Boot Hill and the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. It was home of the legendary Earp bothers and their nemeses the Clanton family and Frank and Tom McLaury. The townspeople were largely Republicans from the Northern states and many of the local ranchers (some like the Clantons, were also rustlers) were Confederate sympathizers and Democrats. The story of Tombstone in the late 1800’s is a very interesting story. And like any great story, it includes the four basic elements of storytelling:The MessageThe ConflictThe CharactersThe PlotIn business, storytelling works on two levels: Storytelling is a strategic branding concept and storytelling as a communication tool. And like the frontier boomtown story of Tombstone, it includes the same four basic elements of storytelling.Klaus Fog writes in his excellent book, Storytelling. Branding in Practice. “Tough times lay ahead for companies that shut their eyes and continue to compete only on product and price.”“In order to retain the loyalty of your customers in today’s competitive environment, you have to create an experi...
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by DW Green — July 20, 2016

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”—Goethe I have always loved this quote. In fact, I shared it with a client a couple of weeks ago. What does it mean? Well, according to Goethe “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back — concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.—GoetheI have always loved this quote. In fact, I shared it with a client a couple of weeks ago. What does it mean? Well, according to Goethe “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back — concerning all acts of initiative (and creati...
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Merchant Or Retailer

by DW Green — July 13, 2016


Powerful distinctions between being a merchant and being a retailer

This is a partial re-blog from my February 12, 2014 blog. I imagine a re-blog is similar to an article re-print! The topic seems to tie in nicely with Adam’s Sexy Back blog.Last May (2013) Supermarket News ran an excellent story about Wegmans. In the article entitled Wegmans 101, Robert Wegman was quoted from his “I Am a Merchant’ Speech.”“I am a merchant, and I have therefore my own philosophy about merchandising: That is, to do something that no one else is doing, and to be able to offer the customer a choice she doesn’t have at the moment. This is the only reason for being in business. To my own way of thinking, this is the only way it should be.  “I think that uniqueness gives one an opportunity to profit. If you are doing the same thing that everyone else is doing, your opportunity for a substantial profit is materially reduced because of the price ceiling your competition will impose. Thus, good merchandising resolves itself into rendering a service in such a way as to be difficult for your competitors to emulate. This is the basic premise of the way we at Wegmans operate.”Mr. Wegman’s words represent a brilliant and well-...
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Respect & Integrity

by DW Green — July 6, 2016

Living By The Golden Rule

Living By The Golden Rule

Respect is like integrity. Integrity is strong, “works,” and is constructive and successful, whereas its opposite fails. Integrity is therefore practical; its absence leads to weakness and collapse. The same is true with respect. It’s opposite fails and its absence leads to weakness and collapse.Many times, respecting rivals or groups or individuals who hold a differing “truth” or “belief” is difficult. But respect isn’t about agreement. Respect is about acknowledging and honoring the other person(s) position, perspective, or point of view. Respect is about, as Bob LaBonne Jr. says, living by the Golden Rule. Treating others the way we want to be treated.One can choose to accept the situation as it is, attempt to change it, or leave it all together. But regardless of the choice, one should BE respectful and kind to the individual(s) involved.Well, my “take” on respect anyway!...
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Karma just IS

by DW Green — June 29, 2016


Karma means action

Adam mentions Karma in his blog today. I’ve heard of Karma, but really didn’t know what it meant. Aside from finding a great parking space at the mall, then saying, “Wow! Good parking Karma!” So I decided to investigate. Turns out Karma just IS.Karma means action. Physics shows that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. Karma is energy, which in itself is neither good nor bad; these are just the labels people choose to attach to it. The energy created by an action has to be returned: “As yea sow so shall yea reap.” It cannot be avoided. Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you.Karma represents our choices … the ones we celebrate … the ones we regret … the conditional and unconditional ones … the knee-jerk ones and the purposeful ones … the decisions that keep us up at night and those that allow us to rest our head on the pillow. Karma can be translated as action and is the culmination of all the actions we have taken through out our lives. In the teachings of Vedanta, this includes the actions we’ve taken in past li...
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by DW Green — June 22, 2016

Describing his blog topic, Adam said, “Decided to do something fun and a little different this week.”So, in light of fun and different, lets talk about Roger Ramjet for a moment. Roger Ramjet was the star and namesake of the animated cartoon TV series that first aired in 1965. I loved the show. It was very funny, due in part, to its amazing simplicity. Of course, the audience was children, but the simplicity of the animation was the foundation of its humor.Simplicity in advertising design is very powerful. Less is definitely more. The use of white space brings immediate attention to the message. As Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching, the what’s not there (white space) makes the what’s there (copy/image) useful.Enjoy… eMC2Print
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