
Company Blog

Quality vs Low Price—The Holiday Dilemma

by Adam Zack — December 18, 2014

So the holidays are here…a time to celebrate love and good cheer with family and friends. It’s the time to be thankful. A time to express our gratitude with gifts, cards, great wine and a memorable meal or two or three!  Nothing shows how much you care like the cheapest turkey you can find!  Or the Prime Rib roast that is a little tough and gristly, but good Lord only cost $3.99 per pound!  The tradition of finding the cheapest meal ingredients possible, and bragging about it to those beloved cherished guests has always been somewhat of a mystery to me.  Sure, everyone loves getting a “deal”.  Everyone loves finding that great bargain that saves money.  But aren’t we talking about a special occasion?  A gathering that happens once, maybe twice a year?  Isn’t that a good reason to seek out the highest quality?  The best turkey?  The most tender cut of quality beef?

For most supermarkets the quandary comes with appealing to those masses seeking the bargain of the century.  If we don’t have the cheapest turkey in town, maybe we will lose customers to the competition.  It’s definitely a valid concern because when they come in to buy the cheapest main course, they also buy the rest of the items for their meal.  So let’s think of some options for next year, after all, we want their Christmas dinner to be memorable for how absolutely delicious it was. We want them to say “It was better than a fine restaurant!”  Next year, let’s promote quality.  Let’s push the idea of splurging on our loved ones.  Let’s tell them how to show their family just how much they really do care – with great food.  Yes, we can still have bargain options to keep the undiscerning happy.  We can still have great sale prices.  But let’s show them what the best is, and how to cook it properly, so they beam with pride, not from how cheaply they fed their beloved, but from just how happy that once-a-year meal made them feel.

You can do it.  And we can help.

Adam Zack

Filed Under: Company Blog

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