
Company Blog

Enthusiasm Sells

by Adam Zack — October 1, 2015

Enthusiasm is contagious.

Enthusiasm is contagious.

An employee that is excited about your store, or about a new product or promotion is by far the best selling tool there is. The signage can be perfect, the ad just beautiful, the price spot-on, the product a winner, and if executed correctly sales will be good, maybe even great. Add employee enthusiasm to that mix, and BAM! Out of the park! Think of it this way. You can have a crappy to so-so sign, a price that is maybe not ideal and a product that maybe tastes great, but is not so easy on the eyes. Think chipped beef on toast (or SOS as my dad used to call it from his Army days. Stands for S*#@ on a Shingle). Or a bowl of plain refried beans. Not exactly the most appetizing looking foods. BUT, toss in an employee that is just bubbling with excitement about that SOS. One who is informed and actually likes it and can tell the customers just what makes this the best SOS they will ever have. One who is honest and sincere and, well, enthusiastic and you have tripled the sales. Quadrupuled. Maybe even increased them ten-fold, all because of their enthusiastic approach to SOS.

So Adam, where do you suggest I find these enthusiastic employees? Pretty easy to say from there at your computer while we have to run stores and deal with customers and our chef who can’t even make SOS! Well, it is easier said than done, but it starts with your first interview. Does your process look for employees who actually like people? Do they smile and show enthusiasm for your market, or are they just “experienced”. Do your managers get excited for new projects and promotions and get their employees involved, or is it “We are already too busy and don’t have time!” Kind of the Eyore approach. Whoa is me, not another new item…

Yes, the struggle is real and the stress is genuine. But the enthusiasm is contagious, and it starts with the boss.

Read More – They Did It!

Filed Under: Company Blog

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