Company Blog
Resolutely Resolved
by Adam Zack — January 6, 2016
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day. – Wikipedia

Resolutions should be meaningful and attainable.
If you’re anything like me, resolutions are easy to make but very hard to maintain. They are things that I know I need to do to be a better person, but when it comes to actually doing what I need to, I find that I am excellent at resolving to find an excuse not to do them. Those three-times-per-week trips to the gym last a few weeks and then turn into two, or one, or during “busy” weeks none! That eating better/healthier lasts about a week. Stop procrastinating! Yeah, I’ll start that one next week.
But in our meaningful and underappreciated grocery business New Year’s Resolutions are perfect for our stores. A list of 5 to 10 resolutions, decided on by a group of your employees and managers, is a great start to the year and a great way to communicate and identify goals to continue to differentiate yourself from the competition. They must be meaningful and attainable. They must be affordable and easy to communicate. So let’s start with a simple list to get you started:
My Store Resolutions 2016
We, the employees, owners and managers of My Store hereby resolve to:
- Develop one new meal solution for my customers every six months.
- Learn the names of every employee in my store and one personal thing about them.
- Spend one hour per week walking My Store with the sole purpose of greeting and thanking customers
- Spend two hours per month reading grocery trade journals looking for new ideas to improve My Store.
- Thank a different employee every day for their hard work and dedication.
- Have one total store employee meeting to share our goals and elicit feedback on how My Store can be better.
- Do a great, consistent job on social media for My Store.
- Update our paper grocery bag design every year in a way that reinforces our brand and also says we are fun and creative.
- Volunteer at a local school one hour per month.
- Make sure the website for My Store is better than any of my local competition.
I can do all of these things. I’ll post it as a checklist and next December will have every item checked off. I resolve it to be so. Now as far as that gym thing goes…
Read More – Resolve
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