Company Blog
When Right Is Wrong
by Adam Zack — March 30, 2016

The Zack Curse
All humans have the desire to be right. After all, the opposite of right is wrong, and who wants to be wrong? In some the need to be right is strong. Make that overwhelming. Obsessive. Mandatory. Worth fighting over. My genetics put me into that camp. We have to be right and absolutely loathe being wrong. We will go any lengths to prove that we are right, and make damn sure the other person knew we were right. It’s caused arguments and I’m sure has resulted in hard feelings, even grudges. We even gave it a name: The Zack Curse. We liken it to winning, and the opposite of winning is losing, and there’s no gratification in losing. Until very recently (like two weeks ago), I just went with it. I was right, and that was the way that God made me. Right? Nope.
Through The Heart of Leadership I learned: You can shift your perception of the world by giving up your addiction to being right. Separate the facts from interpretation and wipe the smug look of self-satisfaction off your face. I learned that there is a cost to being right, and that cost is the negative feelings and emotional toll it inflicts on others. I may still have the drive to be accurate. To be correct. To want to achieve the truth. But it’s not the “In your face, loser!” type that I had. In fact, I don’t have to even let anyone know when I’m right. Just keep moving on, and instead of being right, just do the right thing. It’s not easy giving up a lifelong addiction. And there has, and will be, backsliding. But it’s a start, and a good one. I feel good about it, right?
Read More – Food For Thought
Filed Under: Company Blog
love the being right i to have the Zack Curse thanks for sharing