Company Blog
Yeah, I know
by Adam Zack — April 27, 2016

Does anyone ever like a know-it-all?
Listening is one of the greatest attributes that anyone can have. Check out this video: Listen to me! But we are notoriously bad listeners. Pretty much all of us. It takes considerable effort to just shut your trap, be present in the conversation and let the other person finish talking without thinking in advance what you are going to say in response. But that’s a topic for another blog. Besides “ya know”, “ummmm” and “anyway…”, the response that is both dismissive and a put-down at the same time is “Yeah, I know.” And it’s such an automatic response that it’s an excruciatingly hard habit to break. Think of it in context: “I built an end display cross merchandising the new organic oatmeal with these cool new bowls we got in and I think they will really sell well.” “Yeah, I know.” Translated: “You told me something I previously knew, so therefore you wasted my time by telling me something I had, (or pretended to have) prior knowledge of.” Now I know that is not what most people mean when they answer someone’s statement with “I know.”, but when you think about it, isn’t that what the answer really means? And is the person who answers so many conversations with “Yeah, I know.” really super knowledgeable on the topic? On most topics? Does anyone ever like a know-it-all? It’s a habit I am trying very hard to break. Listening, and how you respond is one of the greatest attributes of a great leader. Yeah, I know.
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Filed Under: Company Blog