Company Blog
Very Important Person
by Adam Zack — May 17, 2016

You have the ability to make people feel like VIPs
“Come right this way sir, through the VIP entrance.” V.I.P. Veee Eye fricken’ P! Very Important Person, indeed! Are there three letters that can make you feel more special, more appreciated, more, well, awesome? Sure, some people say VIP is no BFD. Some might even say the VIPS are all a bunch of privileged, suck up a-holes. I’m not talking about that kind of VIP. I’m talking about the everyday schmos like you and me. The working types who, through work, a connection, luck or just good karma get to experience some aspect of life in a way that is extraordinary. Like when you are in the food and wine business and you visit Napa and get behind the scenes tours and tastings. Maybe lunch. Maybe even some winery swag?! Or when you get invited to watch an NFL game from one of the suites, with food and beer and TV screens and special parking, and it’s all FREE because you are a good customer of some vendor. It’s like “Wow! This is how the other half lives!” Those special treats always make me feel alive, energized, lucky and appreciative. Always.
So where is this going? Sorry to say, I don’t have backstage passes to see the Stones or a couple tickets to a Grammy after party to give you. (Although if I did, I surely would.) What I am leading to is that we all have the power to make our customers and our employees feel like VIPs. Whether it’s opening an extra checkout lane and escorting the next customer over, to publicly acknowledging an employee who gave outstanding customer service, to thanking your best customers at the holidays with a small gift of appreciation, you have the ability to make people feel like VIPs.
Grocery shopping is one of the chores that many people dread. The lines, the crowd, the parking, trying to make everyone in the family happy. Eeesch! It’s often drudgery. But, for one second, think about turning the mundane task of shopping into recognition as a VIP. The possibilities are almost limitless. The reasons it can’t be done number in the hundreds, but the best in the business are doing it and it their loyalty rates are through the roof. To you, and me, and your customers, being treated like a VIP is a very BFD.
Read More – Food For Thought – Sincerity
Filed Under: Company Blog