Company Blog
It’s Not About the Money! (Well, Yeah, It Is…)
by Adam Zack — June 8, 2016

It’s definitely not all about the money.
I was thinking about how many times I’ve said, or it’s been said to me “It’s not about the money.” Yeah, it is. Think about the barrage of messages that are conveyed every single day: Sale! Save! Buy! Earn! Reward! Redeem! Payday! Pay now! Pay later! Low payments! No interest! Value! Shop now! Bottom line! Profit’s up! Profits down! Cash flow. Cash cow. And the list goes on and on. So our free market economy and nearly every part of our business interactions really is about the money. It’s why we work. It’s why we start a business. We have to have it to live. It kind of depressed me when I thought about it, because it sounds oppressive and one-dimensional. But then I started of thinking of things I do, and people I know do, that really are not all about the money. A better way to say it would be “It’s not all about the money.” The little kindnesses, encouraging words, expressions of gratitude and appreciation, monetary sacrifices made in the name of love, family and friendship. I started to feel a lot better. And while I know it’s all of our jobs to produce results that profit for our companies and our bosses, it’s reassuring to know that for many business leaders, in fact the most successful ones, it’s about the money, but it’s definitely not all about the money.
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