Company Blog
It’s All A Test
by Adam Zack — September 28, 2016

Answers below. No cheating!
One thing I used to look forward to when I graduated college was the end of tests. Since I was 5 years old it seemed the test cycle was non-stop, and it would finally be coming to an end! No more studying stress! Standardized tests, mid-terms, finals, SAT, entrance exams, term papers, pop quizzes would all be coming to an end – forever! I was obviously wrong. While the scholastically required graded tests may have come to an end, life tests that are now constant usually are less fun than the school tests of the good ol’ days. Now as adults we have tests of patience, tests of determination, endurance and will power. You got drug tests, driver’s tests, competency tests, paternity tests, intelligence tests, medical tests, personality tests and self-tests. We monitor crash tests, stress tests, nuclear tests, software tests and beta testing. Life’s a test, it seems and everywhere we are being graded. It’s stressful just thinking about it! So to take your mind off of the tests of everyday life, I am giving you a pop quiz about food, the thing as grocers and grocery marketers that we all have in common. It’s easy, amusing and somewhat informative. Get 100% and you get to skip your next life test and give yourself an automatic A+. Well done!
(Answers below. No cheating!)
1. What food product took over ketchup as the top selling condiment in the United States in 1991?
a. Ranch dressing
b. Salsa
c. Tabasco sauce
d. Mustard
2. How many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an Oreo cookie?
a. six
b. eight
c. four
d. twelve
3. What color did blue replace when it was introduced to the standard package of M & M cookies?
a. Tan
b. Yellow
c. Red
d. Black
4. Under standards established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, what is the minimum a gallon of ice cream must weigh?
a. 5.4 lbs.
b. 4.5 lbs.
c. 6 lbs.
d. 2 lbs.
5. What flavor ice cream did Dolly Madison serve at the presidential inaugural festivities in 1812?
a. Strawberry
b. Chocolate Chip
c. Banana
d. Vanilla
6. What is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box?
a. Simon
b. Jack
c. Bingo
d. Cracker
7. What bakery introduced sliced bread in 1930?
a. Wonder
b. Arnolds
c. Sunbeam
d. Tip-Top
8. What city does the arrow point to on cartons of Haagen Dazs ice cream?
a. Paris
b. Copenhagen
c. London
d. Rome
9. Which meat would you find in the dish Moo Goo Gai Pan?
a. Fish
b. Chicken
c. Beef
d. Pork
10. Red Eye gravy is composed mainly of the following:
a. chicken broth and chopped chicken liver
b. strong black coffee and ham drippings
c. pork stock and red chiles
d. country gravy and paprika
11. Mirepoix, the basis of many sauces and dishes, is composed most often of the following:
a. carrots, onions and celery
b. egg yolk, butter and flour
c. wheat flour, butter and cheese
d. scallions, garlic and olive oil
Read More – Neurobic Exercise
Answers: b. d. a. b. a. c. a. b. b. b. a
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