DW's Blog
by DW Green — September 7, 2016

Complexities of life have added layers of ambiguity.
I attended a niece’s wedding near Portland Oregon over Labor Day weekend. The wedding was amazing. The ceremony was held on Bladberry Farms on Sauvie Island serenely resting within the mighty Columbia River. It was a truly beautiful venue.
The bride and groom embodied the very best of the millennial generation. The measure of their depth of wisdom and understanding of the meaning of marriage and the sanctity of their union was inspiring. The minister too was phenomenal. How often we forget the true meaning of marriage as we move through the business of doing and managing the unfolding of daily life. It is good to pause and silently reflect on the beauty and wholeness of our relationships.
The word “tribe” was used often to describe the importance and connectedness of the bride and grooms extended family and circle of friendships. Businesses too represent tribes. They are tribes to their loyal and passionate employees, customers and communities. The stories that circulate in and around the organization paint a picture of the company’s culture and value’s towards both employees and customers. By sharing our stories, we define “who we are” and “what we stand for”. And just like the tribes of old, the strong leaders of today’s companies distinguish themselves by being good storytellers; voices that employees listen to, are inspired by and respect.
Indeed, storytelling is an integral part of what distinguishes us a human being. Telling stories is the only way we can create meaning in our lives and make sense of the world. We need them to understand ourselves and communicate who we are. And by sharing stories of our experiences, we can better understand the conflicts of our daily lives and find explanations for how we fit into this world.
What was surprising to me was how this notion of tribes resonated so deeply with the younger generation. As civilizations have evolved and the complexities of life have added layers of ambiguity, the individual’s connection to a family greater than themselves gives meaning and direction to our life.
Example of excellent storytelling and tribe building by Starbucks →
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