
Company Blog

The Little Things

by Adam Zack — March 8, 2017

Adam Zack

Treat little things like they are important

I’ve maintained for years that it’s the little things that matter most – in relationships, in business, in families and in everyday life. The little kindnesses shown consistently add up to great appreciation. Little problems solved, questions answered and efforts made greatly reduce the probability that a big problem will have to be dealt with. Consistent awareness of what your partner, or your customer, values most makes the need to something big. Treat little things like they are important and there’s no need to buy that diamond bracelet to make up for your thoughtlessness or to send that customer who stopped shopping with you a $100 gift card to return. It’s easy to tell someone that the little things matter. They will agree wholeheartedly every time. They’ll say “I know, right?” And although they agree, they’ll never do the little things consistently that add up to make the big impact. I don’t even think you can teach someone to do little acts of kindness. You either get it and do it or you don’t. The more selfish the person, the less likely they are to do the little things for their spouse, their friends and family and their customers. So when you see that employee that always remembers your customers names, or takes extra pride in cleaning the break room, or who remembers a clients birthday and sends them a card, realize that you have one of the gems that gets it in life. The little gestures and kindnesses done repeatedly and naturally equal greatness and authenticity that can never be taught.

Read More – Merchandising Excellence

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