Company Blog
More Than Words
by Adam Zack — June 8, 2017

Mrs. Crabapple got a tough steak.
There are a lot of words and phrases that make you feel great. “Have you lost weight?” “You look fantastic!”; “Man, you’re smart.”; “You just get better looking every day.”; “You’re the nicest person I ever met.” There are lots of them. My favorite though is “I’ve got your back.” The amount of comfort I get from knowing that someone (in fact, more than just one someone) is there for me, no matter what, lets me sleep well at night, be comfortable taking risks and realize that if things get ugly in the trenches some really great people will be right there beside me, fighting my fight with me with as much passion and personal skin in the game as I have. It’s something I don’t take for granted, and know that they know that I’ve got their back too. Every day of every year. It might not be to the extreme of some deeply personal back-watching that you have, but your employees need to know that you have their back. When things get ugly and stressful, their performance will soar if they know that you are there to support their decisions and be on their side. They have to know that just because Mrs. Crabapple got a tough steak or some berries that had mold on them that you won’t be taking it out on them if it was something beyond their control. Knowing that you have their back when the crap hits the fan (and it will, as it does pretty regularly in grocery) empowers them to make good, confident choices. It allows them to share your goals and vision for excellence. And most of all it makes them proud and sincere when they tell you “I got your back, boss.”
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Filed Under: Company Blog
No doubt Adam Zack! That is why you are successful at everything you do! You probably don’t remember long time ago at Jensens, I had concerns for health of our customers about fresh salsa we were providing to our customers. After having no luck discussing concerns with manager, you made your rounds. I asked you about process of making fresh salsa using meat grinder. You were great. You remedied the problem immediately and we were provided with dedicated food processor for salsa preparations. Caring for customers well being keeps customers loyal Thanks for being Awesome!