Company Blog
The Freshman
by Adam Zack — June 28, 2017

New jobs and the start of careers are scary endeavors
I remember just before my freshman year in high school my friend, who was a year older and going to be a sophomore, told me harrowing stories of how freshman were despised, ridiculed and stood somewhere between dog crap and an ant’s ass on the high school pecking order. I was warned not to ever sit in “Senior Square”, look an upperclassman in the eye or draw attention to myself in any way. All the girls were out of my league and the guys who had facial hair loved to beat up freshmen. Well it didn’t exactly turn out like that, although it was a little intimidating and more than a little scary. Whenever I went from one school to another or one school level to another there was some fear of the unknown. I think we tend to think about our graduating seniors – especially college – as having made the major accomplishment with the expectation that they are done and ready. In reality, graduating college (and high school for those who choose not to attend college) students are really freshmen in life. New jobs and the start of careers are scary endeavors that are not always put in perspective, especially by parents who have paid for all this schooling and have high expectations. Further, every career change, no matter when it is in life is like being a freshman again. You may not be despised and ridiculed like the high school freshman, but the fears and butterflies are still there. Being a mentor to someone who’s a freshman in life is one way that you can make your workplace a great place to work, and shop. And no giving them a wedgie, OK?
Read More – Teacher and Student
Filed Under: Company Blog
Good job. Love this one Adam.