Company Blog
Call It A Career
by Adam Zack — February 21, 2018

Empower them to make decisions and lead.
According to Fortune Magazine, Wegman’s Food Markets are the second best place to work in America. Fortune Top 100 Companies Wow! One of our own is very near the top in this era where all these tech companies have perks like stand-up treadmill desks, company chefs, work–from-home options, free massages and free child care. Two of our other brethren made the top 100 – Publix at #47 and Nugget Markets at #70. It’s a big achievement in a time when finding, and more importantly retaining good employees, is extremely challenging. I was speaking to a store owner in Northern California who has had to stop events such as weekend barbecues and catering (two profitable promotions) because he just can’t find the employees to execute the program. That says something about the tight job market and maybe something else about the company. Many years ago the grocery business could be a career. You could start at the bottom in maintenance or a courtesy clerk and work your way up, getting pay increases, good benefits and promotions. You could be a department manager or even store manager and earn a good living to provide for your family. My dad did it – started as cleanup boy and 23 years later bought the store from the original owner. A true American success story. But today is a career in grocery what anyone aspires to? It’s working on weekends and holidays, long hours, hard work and constant pressure to deliver sales and profits. Fortunately, there are kids and young adults who love food, love people and aspire to advance and stay in the grocery industry. I know many of them personally. It’s up to me, and you, to make their work atmosphere and experience a rewarding one. Teach them, listen to them, reward them and get out of the way. Empower them to make decisions and lead. They are your next buyers, directors and managers. The labor market is not so dire that you have to stop providing services. No, it’s there; it just needs to be curated and cared for in new ways. That’s what has changed. Now get out there and get yourself in the Top 100 employers list.
Read More – Micromanaging
Filed Under: Company Blog