DW's Blog
Mass Media
by DW Green — June 6, 2018

Markets are fluid.
I’ve never believed that the large supermarket chains have all the answers to food retailing issues. No one does.
However, some companies like Wegman’s, Kroger, H.E.B, Hy-Vee, and Publix are industry leaders and innovators. Their economy of scale provides extensive research budgets to measure the effectiveness of advertising channels. These companies and others continue to use print ads and broadcast media as an important part of their marketing mix. I imagine if they were not providing a benefit (sales revenue) resources would be reinvested in other channels. Email marketing, social media marketing and loyalty marketing programs are excellent channels for connecting with your current customer base, but less effective in driving new customers to your stores. Markets are fluid, new consumers move in and others move out. Some are aware of your store and your offerings and some are not. Reaching out to new customers via mass media is still viable and an important consideration.
Read More – You’re so funny. Not.
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